A Wish Come True

I’ve dreamed about it for more than twenty years. I’ve hoped and longed for it, wished for it, and planned for it… and it’s finally happening! Tomorrow is the day I’m flying off to Ireland!!

Ring of Kerry

It seems like I’ve spent at least half of my life yearning to see those deep green fields and spectacular seaside cliffs …

The Dingle Peninsula (Photo courtesy of www.travelglobep.com )

the quaint towns and medieval castles …

(Photo courtesy of www.pdphoto.org )

and the endless rock walls …

(Photo courtesy of www.travel.nationalgeographic.com)

For two weeks, my mother and I will be traveling the length and breadth of the country, from Dublin to Northern Ireland, and then on over to the western coast. And, yes, I’m going to have to learn to drive on the left side of the road, something I’m not looking forward to!

 Giants’ Causeway, Northern Ireland (Photo courtesy of www.irelandposters.com) We’ll be staying just a 5-minute walk from here!

I’ll take lots of pictures (and paint lots of sketches), and I’ll share it all with you when we return. But you won’t have a chance to miss me too much – I’ve written up a couple of posts to tide you over. Stop back by in a few days for a glimpse of one of my most ambitious and all-time favorite projects.

And the next time you drive down the road, on the right side, say a little prayer for me! 


  • Leslie, you and your Mom are going to have the time of your life. That is where we went on our honeymoon and I've been back since. Due for another trip. It's changed so much so I hope you've planned in to see plenty of countryside too, so you get to enjoy the way it used to be. I really, really look forward to your artistic interpretations in your paintings!! Have fun driving on the left too! Adventure!!

  • A big woo hoo for you!! Safe and happy travels and can't wait to see the fruits from this adventure!

  • What a great adventure to share together! I'm looking forward to hearing all about your trip. I will be praying for the driving portion 🙂
    Sandy Garnett

  • Have a wonderful time. My son just got back after 9 days there. He and his buddies got a place in Dublin and took day trips. He said the Giant's Causeway was the best part of the trip. As for driving on the wrong side…he said as long as you concentrate you're fine. The moment you get distracted you find you're wondering to the other side. Looking forward to seeing your sketches.

  • My sister and I were there in 1993. It was the best trip we every took. We were on a tour, so we had the advantage of a bus driver! We could sit there and look at the marvelous scenery while listening to Irish music. It was fantastic. Can't wait to see your sketches!


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I’m Leslie. A painter, teacher, and lover of all things creative. A sketchbook artist who captures everyday life on the pages of my illustrated journals. I love sharing, connecting, and encouraging people to find their creative voice through sketchbook journaling. Read more about me, my art, and my life HERE.

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