
How to Make an Accordion-Fold Sketchbook

Take a video tour of my accordion-fold flower garden sketchbook and learn how to make one just like it!

Fall Road Trip Sketchbook

Flip through this illustrated travel journal from a fall camping trip to Delaware and Virginia.

Tuscany Gridded Sketch

Scenes from the medieval village of Certaldo Alto in Tuscany. Read a blog post about this sketch here.

Dogwood Leaves and Decorative Border

Follow along and see how I develop a nature journal page with sketch, calligraphy, and borders.

Highland Light, Cape Cod, Massachusetts

A fall trip to Cape Cod inspired this lighthouse sketch. For step-by-step photos and commentary about the painting process, see this blog post.

Canal Scene, Venice, Italy

A simple sketch of a sunlit scene along the Grand Canal.

La Colombara, Lupia, Italy

My favorite restaurant in northern Italy. I ate pizza there three times in one week!
Read about this sketch here.

Greene County Fair

The county fair is a big draw every August in my rural community. This sketch captures the fun and excitement in a riot of color.

Enlow Fork Wildflower Walk

The annual guided wildflower walk along the Enlow Fork of Wheeling Creek in western Greene County, PA, is a tradition for many families in our area.

I’m Leslie. A painter, teacher, and lover of all things creative. A sketchbook artist who captures everyday life on the pages of my illustrated journals. I love sharing, connecting, and encouraging people to find their creative voice through sketchbook journaling. Read more about me, my art, and my life HERE.

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Sketchbook Page Layout Ideas on Pinterest

Sketchbook Page Borders on Pinterest

Sketchbook Journaling Ideas on Pinterest

Hand-Lettered Quotes on Pinterest

Painted Calendars on Pinterest

Travel Sketching Supplies

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