Tag: EverydayArtist

Bonus Travel Palette How-To

Bonus Travel Palette How-To

All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go…. to Italy…tomorrow! But I wanted to take a few minutes to catch up before I head off on another adventure. As I was packing my art supplies, I came across this empty metal palette (below) that I bought a few years ago, thinking I would fill […]

More Maine Favorites

More Maine Favorites

We’ve been traveling to Maine since my kids were little. We’ve made a lot of great memories along the way, and now a new generation is falling in love with this place that captured my heart all those years ago. One of my grandchildren actually said the other day that he’d rather go to Maine […]

Boat Rides and Burgers in Bruges

Boat Rides and Burgers in Bruges

There’s never enough time to sketch everything I’d like to when I’m traveling, so it’s nice to know that I have options for capturing memories even when I can’t take the time to draw and paint. I sometimes print out photos on matte photo paper and glue them into my journals after a trip, but […]

Watercolor Map of Bruges’ Historic Center

Watercolor Map of Bruges’ Historic Center

I love watercolor maps, don’t you? I’ve only done a few of them, but I have resolved to include one in every one of my travel journals going forward, because they’re a great way to see the big picture. They can give you a condensed version of the peak experiences of a tour or vacation […]

Belgian Chocolates!

Belgian Chocolates!

One of the best things about a trip to Bruges is the CHOCOLATE. Walking around the city, you’re never more than a few steps away from a mouthwatering window display designed to lure you inside a sweet-smelling den of indulgence. The biggest challenge comes in choosing when and where to succumb to temptation.  7.5″ x […]

Sketching the Towers of Bruges

Sketching the Towers of Bruges

The idea for this page came to me because I was pressed for time. It was the first day of my Bruges workshop, and I had been busy all morning teaching and helping students with their sketches. When there was finally a break in the action, I sat down to sketch at our location in […]

Sketching in Bruges

Sketching in Bruges

On my first full day in Bruges, I went out to explore the city. Bruges is wonderfully walkable. All of the highlights of the historic district are within a 20-minute walk from the main square. Everywhere you look, there are beautiful old buildings, interesting architectural details, and tempting chocolate shops, making it fun to meander […]

Sketchbook Journeys: Belgium

Sketchbook Journeys: Belgium

I returned from my spring teaching trip to Belgium and Croatia a few weeks ago, and I’ve been getting up early most mornings since I got home to work on finishing up my travel journal. I have a long way to go until I can close the book on that 3-1/2 week trip, but I’ll […]

Sketch Provence in 2024!

Sketch Provence in 2024!

Grab your sketch kit and come away with me to the land of legendary light! Illustrated Watercolor Journaling in Provence September 14-21, 2024 (FULL) Register here Just picture yourself whiling away an afternoon wandering through a quaint French village…  or sitting on a sunny hilltop, sketching the panoramic view spread out before you.  Sketch from […]

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