Bright shining eyes
A cute button nose
Rosy pink cheeks
And ten tiny toes
Sweet perfection
Callista Rose
I’m giddy with happiness! Our new granddaughter, Callista Rose, was born to my daughter Sara and her husband last Saturday morning, fifteen days overdue! The wait seemed endless, and now that she’s here, I can’t get enough of her. She’s the most beautiful little baby girl, and when she looks at me with those dark eyes and wraps her tiny fingers around mine, my heart melts.
My pens and paints will sit idle for a few weeks as I diaper, rock, and sing lullabyes – and help my sweet little grandson Nicholas, just 17 months old, through the transition. I can’t think of a better way to spend my time than snuggling babies.

Leslie, I've been diligently checking your blog since Sunday when I heard the good news……….it's wonderful to finally see this beautiful baby girl! Enjoy "grandmothering" your little ones
Awwww.. She's so adorable! Congratulations!!
Leslie-she is so beautiful and I love the name they chose for her. What a cute rose outfit she is wearing! Too too cute! Have fun snuggling.
Congratulations Leslie – she is just beautiful! Her name seems to suit her to a "t"!
She's the sweetest little thing ever! She's gaining weight and eating and sleeping well – doing just great. She's so precious, and I'm taking plenty of time to enjoy her.
Thanks for all your nice comments, everyone!
Congratulations on your precious new granddaughter. What a joyful blessing!!