The past few weeks have flown by and, with all that’s going on with finishing up our new house, I’m afraid I’ve fallen behind in posting some of the sketches I’ve done recently. So, I thought I’d play catch-up and show you some of what I’ve been up to.

I went to Alpine Lake several times over the summer to visit my mother, sometimes for a solo visit and other times with the whole family. Alpine is a resort community that’s about an hour and a half drive from where we live, in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia.

It’s a great place to get away from it all and just relax. We love going for walks along the lake shore where the woods are carpeted with ferns.

The grandkids climb like monkeys…

and get silly…

We explore…

and go kayaking…

and I even manage to squeeze in a sketch once in awhile. I did this one while the rest of the gang was taking a turn on the water.

We sit on the porch and chat, watching hummingbirds zipping back and forth to the feeders.

Some days, we venture out to a nearby park, like the Cranesville Swamp…

or Swallow Falls State Park.

This new house project is keeping me hopping, but I’ve still managed to fit a lot of fun into my summer and fall. More sketches and pictures in my next post!

One Comment
Thanks for the inspiration! As a new-to-watercolor artist, I look forward to trying out the fun challenge of travel journaling.