This is the sketchbook that started it all. My first trip to Italy lit a fire for travel that continues to burn in me today. That trip seven years ago opened my eyes to the wonder and exhilaration of exploring places that are worlds away from my little corner of Pennsylvania. The journal I kept during those eye-opening weeks in Northern Italy and Tuscany remains one of my favorites to this day. And I’ve just uploaded it to my gallery so you can flip through the pages and enjoy a virtual tour!
(For a larger view, click the full screen icon below the image. )
Visit my Sketchbook Gallery page to explore many more of my travel journals and everyday sketchbooks.

That is the coolest! Such inspiration ~
Thanks, Elaine. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I really put my heart and soul into this travel journal, and reading through the pages takes me right back to those days of exploration and discovery. It was a life-changing trip.
Woow I have no words … mostly in English lool!
Thanks, Chantal. Glad you enjoyed taking a peek inside my sketchbook.
Just beautiful! I love all your paintings and appreciate that you share it with us. You are inspiring!
Thank you for the kind words, Patricia.
Even an early journal is so beautiful and inspiring! I love that you always share these, but sure wish mine were as lovely. You put so much time and effort into these , and it shows!
Your new website is amazing! It’s so colorful and inspirational. You’ve certainly used the last year well.
Is there any way to buy a copy of the France sketchbook? I’ve purchased your Ireland sketchbook–but France has such a special place in my heart and this sketchbook is so beautiful!
I can’t wait for your e-classes to be open!
Thank you!
Hi Carla – I haven’t published my France sketchbook yet, but it’s on my very long to-do list. I’m so busy getting the online classes up and running that I just haven’t had time for that project yet. Glad you like the new website – I love it, too!