Sketchbook Journeys – Cape Cod: Days 6 & 7

We learned to plan our walks around the rise and fall of the tides while we stayed in Wellfleet. The beach at Pleasant Point Landing, just down the road from our cottage, was under four feet of water at high tide, but at low tide we could walk all along the shore on dry, sandy trails.

Ink & watercolor in a hardbound 5.5″ x 8.5″ Stillman and Birn Beta series sketchbook

The boat that bobbed so prettily in the afternoon sun would later be marooned in the mud,

And when the tide was out, hundreds (thousands?) of little fiddler crabs would appear, running to hide among the grasses when we walked by.

It was a wonderful vacation, one that was very therapeutic for a Type A personality like me. No work, no stress… just sun, sand, water, and the big blue sky. 

Ink & watercolor in a 5.5″ x 8.5″ Stillman and Birn Beta series sketchbook

A week of peace and quiet at a little cottage in the piney woods of Wellfleet, Massachusetts.

Pure bliss!


  • Oh my goodness, You even made a map. I just love this whole sketch book. How long do you spend a day doing something like this on vacation? I think it would take up my whole days and I would get nothing else done or visited. But what a wonderful memory keeper.

    • I spent an hour or two a day on it while we were on vacation. I completed almost all of the small hourly sketches on the first three or four pages while we were traveling to Massachusetts, when I had nothing better to do in the van. The rest of the sketches were drawn on location – quick sketches for the most part that didn't take more than 20 minutes or so. I painted a few of them back at the cottage during times when we were just hanging out, using photos for reference. The rest I finished later when we were back home. The Provincetown sketch was drawn at home from photos I had taken the day we were there. I usually did the journaling part at the end of the day and it took a half hour or so. I just got done what I felt like doing and didn't sweat it. I like painting the sketches later at home when I don't feel frantic about finishing them, and it's nice to revisit the vacation spots that way.


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I’m Leslie. A painter, teacher, and lover of all things creative. A sketchbook artist who captures everyday life on the pages of my illustrated journals. I love sharing, connecting, and encouraging people to find their creative voice through sketchbook journaling. Read more about me, my art, and my life HERE.

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