The nice folks at my local library asked me to set up a display of my sketchbooks a few weeks ago in a tall display case near the circulation desk on the main floor. If you’re local, you might want to stop by the Bowlby Library in Waynesburg, PA, and take a look.

It’s a little frustrating though, peering in through the glass, when you’re just longing to get your hands on one of the sketchbooks and flip through it to see what’s inside.

Seeing them all together was an eye-opener for me. Working on just one page at a time, I hadn’t realized that I’ve actually been building a body of work. It’s exciting to see all the books together.

I included one of my palettes, some brushes, and a Pitt pen to show the materials used for the sketches.

On the bottom shelf, I arranged some of my collection of books about sketching. If it piques the interest of just one person and encourages them to pick up a pencil and draw a few lines, I’ll be happy.

Oh this is wonderful. I am just getting into journaling.. something I have actually wanted to do for a long time and finally took the leap and I am having fun with it. I hope one day to have a body of work such as this. Thanks for the inspiration.
Sounds like you have the right attitude, Cris, just having fun with it. That's what I enjoy so much about working in my sketchbooks. There's no pressure – it's all play, and I think most of us need a little more of that in our lives.
Lovely display. I think it shows your journals well. Have you ever published a book, or thought of it? I'm a big fan of library displays and your journals are perfect for your library. I also love at least 3 of the published books on the bottom shelf.
This is wonderful! Wish I lived close enough to come see them. I love that you put your watercolor palette in the display.
This is a lovely way to see your journals. How nice of the library to offer you space. The display is very attractive and inspiring. I'm sure you've triggered interest in more than one person.
What kind of journals do you use? Do you make your own?
Fay – I've never made my own journals. The ones you see on display are all readymade ones – Aquabee, Canson, Strathmore, Cachet, and Moleskine. For my travel sketchbooks, I usually choose one that has 140 lb. paper. For the everyday ones, I often use the Aquabee Super Deluxe sketchbook from Cheap Joe's. It has a lighter paper, and I like the fact that there are lots of pages – each one doesn't seem so precious. I'm more likely to fool around and experiment in it because I'm not worried about messing up a page.