“Road Trip Chit-Chat” Sketch (or How to Avoid Going Bonkers on an 11-Hour Drive to the Beach)

I love the beach, but the trip from our home in Pennsylvania to Oak Island, NC, is l-o-n-g…about 11 hours with stops. This year, to pass the time, I decided to write down (and sketch) everything we talked about during the drive.

Ink & watercolor in a 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 Stillman & Birn Zeta series softcover sketchbook

While there were four of us in the van (my husband Fred, sister Donni, mother Saundra, and I), I’d have to say that Fred mostly drove and the girls talked. He did come up with the idea for the page title though – go, Fred!

Click to enlarge and see all the details

I did pencil sketches throughout the day, with input from my traveling companions on what warranted inclusion on the page. It made the time pass quickly for all of us, and there was a lot of laughter about the randomness of our wide-ranging subject matter.

My sketchbook page was full by the time we made it to Oak Island that evening. I painted the sketch over the next few days, whenever I needed a break from sun, sand, and grandkids.

This was such an enjoyable project! It’s full of family memories and inside jokes that are hilarious to us but probably mean nothing to anyone who wasn’t in the van that day. And isn’t it amazing how much three women can talk about? We could probably answer the question “What is truth?” and bring about world peace, too, if we put our minds to it.

Well, I hope you’re having as much fun this week as we are here at Oak Island. I’m heading out to the beach now to read a book and watch the waves roll in – there’s nothing I like better!

Have a great summer, and do some sketching to capture those summer memories.


  • I love this page Leslie! So cute (and funny memories!!). One of my sketchbook students is a graphic designer…and made a page like this on a class reunion trip that she made with a couple dear friends. Little snippets of their time together during that weekend. When she finished the page, she made really nice copies of them for each of the 4 friends and gifted them with the page later. What sweet fun!! Your page reminds me that our pages don't have to be only 'landscapes' of the sites we visit! Thanks for the inspiration! These are so cute!!!

  • Have a wonderful time, Leslie. I love the spread — a great way to keep your memories and your sanity during the drive! You could look at it for hours and remember all those (mostly) fun things! Not too sure about the syringe! Ouch!

  • I love this idea! We're about to take an 8 hour flight in a couple of weeks and perhaps sketching about the trip would help to pass the time. Thanks for the inspiration.


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I’m Leslie. A painter, teacher, and lover of all things creative. A sketchbook artist who captures everyday life on the pages of my illustrated journals. I love sharing, connecting, and encouraging people to find their creative voice through sketchbook journaling. Read more about me, my art, and my life HERE.

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