Oops! Revised Pricing on “Sketching in Spain” Workshop

Oops! There was an error in the pricing of the Spain workshop in my last blog post. The pricing is actually $200 lower for the single supplement than what was originally stated. So, if you were debating about coming, let these lower prices convince you. 🙂 And I just found out that you can book a room with a sea view!

Here are the correct prices for all the possible room choices:

Rates through November 30,
$3190 per person for a standard double occupancy room
$3540 per person for a double occupancy room with a sea
$3540 per person for a standard single room
$3890 per person for a single room with a sea view

Regular prices after November 30, 2018:
$3390 per person for a standard
double occupancy room
$3740 per person for a double
occupancy room with a sea view
$3740 per person for a standard
single room
$4090 per person for a single room
with a sea view

Spots are filling fast, and the discount period ends on November 30, so reserve your spot now. A deposit of only $600 will hold your place. 

Stretch your mind on the Costa Brava!
Come along and join the fun – it’s the best way to travel if you’re a sketcher, because painting time is built into the schedule. No more hurrying to finish a line drawing while your companions impatiently stamp their feet. On my sketching tours, your companions will all be sketching along with you! 
And don’t worry if you’re not a super-experienced, sketch-everyday, been-to-Europe-twenty-times kind of artist. I’ll be there to guide you every step of the way, beginning with advice on preparing for your trip and specific instructions on what supplies to bring. And during the tour, my step-by-step painting lessons and individual assistance ensure that you’ll grow as an artist and take home a sketchbook filled with wonderful memories. 
I hope to meet you in Barcelona!

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I’m Leslie. A painter, teacher, and lover of all things creative. A sketchbook artist who captures everyday life on the pages of my illustrated journals. I love sharing, connecting, and encouraging people to find their creative voice through sketchbook journaling. Read more about me, my art, and my life HERE.

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