New Workshop Tour in Belgium!

Are you ready to travel again? I sure am! I’ve really missed all the fun and excitement of experiencing new places with my students, so I’ve been working behind the scenes to schedule painting workshops in some wonderful new places for 2023.

Today, I’m happy to announce that I’ve just confirmed a painting tour with my friends at French Escapade. This time we’ll be going to Belgium, May 5-12, 2023!

Visit the French Escapade website to read about what the workshop will be like. 

There you’ll also find the complete itinerary, tour photos, pricing, and information on how to register.

This art tour packs so much into the seven days we’ll be together, and the location is very different from any of the other workshops I’ve done. It’s a great opportunity; I hope to see you in Bruges!

Leslie Fehling's signature


  • Hi Leslie,

    I’m interested in attending. But the dates you have here are different from the French Escapade. Can you confirm? And do you know if easels and or boards will be provided? What about other watercolor painting supplies? And what is the group size limit? I’m hoping there’s still room for me. I’d love to follow you on FB and learn what other workshops you might teach. I’m in SE Michigan. 😊

    • Hi Shannon – the dates for the workshop are May 5-12,2023. Can you tell me where you saw a different set of dates?
      The workshop is limited to fifteen participants. Supplies are not included but I always send out a very complete supply list ahead of time so you’ll know what to bring. It’s fine to keep it simple. Everything you need will fit into a shoulder bag or small backpack. Easels are not needed – we keep things fairly simple.
      All of my upcoming workshops can be found under the “Workshops” tab on this website. I have an introductory one coming up in February in Sarasota, FL, and another in California in April.
      Let me know if you have any other questions about the Belgium trip – I’d love to have you join us!


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I’m Leslie. A painter, teacher, and lover of all things creative. A sketchbook artist who captures everyday life on the pages of my illustrated journals. I love sharing, connecting, and encouraging people to find their creative voice through sketchbook journaling. Read more about me, my art, and my life HERE.

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