New Class this Winter: “Advanced Watercolor Explorations”

Over the past few years, I’ve seen that many of my sketchbook journaling students would like to build on what they’ve learned in my introductory classes and become more proficient with watercolors. They don’t want to paint huge masterpieces, they simply want to be more comfortable with the medium and less frustrated when trying to put their ideas down on the pages of their sketchbooks.


One of my fall classes focused on painting colorful autumn leaves

So I’ve decided to offer a class called Advanced Watercolor Explorations at WashArts in Washington, PA, this coming January and February. Each week I’ll share a step-by-step tutorial on how to paint specific subject matter such as snow scenes, skies, water, food, etc. (Mmmm, painting fresh chocolate chip cookies could be a delicious lesson!) There will be plenty of time to paint in class, with me there to help every step of the way.

This group learned layering & texturing techniques in a class about how to paint stone

Over the course of the six weeks, students should develop a good grasp of watercolor techniques and feel much more confident in their abilities. I’ll have everyone tackling even the most challenging subject matter with a smile on their faces. With my guidance and encouragement, you’ll be amazed at what you can do!

One of my summer classes featured a lesson on painting hydrangeas

The six-week class will be held on Thursdays, 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm, January 22, 29, February 5, 12, 19, 26. Cost is $75.00. Visit the WashArts website to enroll.

Step-by-step instruction makes the lessons understandable


Each person’s style shines through, even though they all used the same approach

Don’t let the winter weather scare you away. This will be a daytime class, so you won’t have to be out on icy roads at night, and if the weather’s bad, we’ll postpone.

Come on out and join me for this series of classes! It’s going to be a bright spot in that long stretch between the holidays and springtime. Let the snow fly – we’ll be inside painting! 🙂


  • Oh this looks like such a wonderful class! I know it is going to be taught by a fantastic teacher!

    • I hope you'll be able to join the class, Kellie. If not, maybe I'll repeat it sometime at my studio.

  • This is wonderful news! Best wishes, and I'm sure everyone will benefit tremendously. I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog tutorials. Please continue those, too. I have followed you for many years.
    Kate Worley

    • Thanks for the reminder, Kate. I've gotten so busy with teaching lately that I haven't been posting as much on my blog. I'm glad to know you enjoy the tutorials, and I'll definitely do more of them.

  • Ditto what Kate said. I love your tutorials and would love a snow scene how-to, please! I'm so envious of those who are close enough to attend your classes. I wish I could take them all. This new series sounds wonderful. I hope you're still considering doing a workshop next year so we out-of-towners can try to attend.

    • Hi Susan,
      I was planning to do a lesson in this new class on painting snow scenes. Maybe I'll do it up as a blog post, too.

      I'd love to do a workshop here for out-of-towners. I haven't forgotten about it, but my schedule is getting so filled up for 2015 already! Between teaching, family trips, new grandbabies, and commission work, it's hard to figure out when to do it. Would August work for you?


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I’m Leslie. A painter, teacher, and lover of all things creative. A sketchbook artist who captures everyday life on the pages of my illustrated journals. I love sharing, connecting, and encouraging people to find their creative voice through sketchbook journaling. Read more about me, my art, and my life HERE.

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