I remember coming home from school when I was a kid and getting so excited when I found out my mom had made Molasses Sandwich Cookies that day. I loved them with a tall glass of cold milk. What bliss! I’m still crazy about them, but haven’t thought to make them for years. Today I was baking some Christmas cookies and decided to pull out this old family recipe and make a batch. They’re not the prettiest cookie, but they’re definitely one of the tastiest. They’re spicy and molasses-y, and that creamy filling just melts in your mouth.

½ c. shortening
¾ c. sugar
2 eggs
2/3 c. molasses
2 ¼ c. flour
1 tsp soda
½ tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp ginger
½ c. milk
In a mixing bowl, cream together the shortening and sugar.
Add the eggs and molasses, and beat well.
Combine the dry ingredients. Add to the creamed mixture alternately with the milk.
Drop by heaping teaspoonfuls onto greased baking sheets about 2” apart.
Bake at 375, 9-11 minutes. Remove cookies to cooling rack.
When cool, spread with…
½ c. butter
1/8 tsp salt
½ tsp ginger
3 c. confectioners sugar
¼ c. molasses
2 T. milk
Cream the butter. Add salt, ginger, and 1 cup confectioners sugar. Beat well.
Add remaining 2 cups confectioners sugar alternately with molasses and milk, beating well after each addition. Filling should be smooth and creamy.
Spread 1 tablespoon filling between two cookies to make sandwiches.
Recipe Notes:
– The cookies usually turn out flatter than the ones shown. Since I and several other family members must eat gluten free, I made my batch with Jules Gluten Free flour, and the batter was stiffer than it normally is with wheat flour. But they still taste great!
– The filling recipe makes plenty for a generous amount on each cookie. I’m always worried that I won’t have enough, so I tend to be stingy with the filling on the first half of the batch, then, by the time I frost all the cookies, I end up with leftover filling!