Loving A Dog

A good friend of mine was devastated last week when his best friend and constant companion, a big black dog named Buddy, passed away suddenly. The shock of it still hasn’t left us. As anyone who has loved a dog knows, it hurts to the core of your being when you lose them.

Buddy playing, 3″ x 4-1/4″ ink & watercolor

Buddy’s abrupt departure has served as a reminder to me to pay a lot more attention to my own buddy, Buckley, our four-year-old golden retriever.

I’ve taken him too much for granted lately. I need to remember that he’s not always going to be here. I need to pet him more, throw his ball more, and scratch that spot behind his ear that brings a smile to his face every time. I need to take him for a long walk every day, even when the weather isn’t comfortable (for me…he doesn’t care.) I need to give him more belly rubs and hugs, and kisses right on top of his big soft head.

I need to give him all the love I possibly can, because there will come a day that I’d give anything to have him back for just one more day, one more hour.

As I was thinking about all this today, I felt compelled
to do a page in my journal where I could gather together some of my favorite
quotes about dogs…

Felt tip marker in a 5.5″ x 8.5″ Stillman & Birn Delta series sketchbook

In fact, I’ve decided to dedicate an entire journal to quotes I like and find inspiring. I’ll finally consolidate all those quotes I’ve been collecting for years, all the little slips of paper lying on my desk, stuck on the refrigerator, taped to my computer monitor, etc. Maybe some of the wisdom will rub off on me. (I can only hope!) I firmly believe that what we put into our brains – what we read, watch, and listen to – profoundly affects us, so I’ll fill my mind with thoughts that are wise, inspiring, touching, and humorous.

While my heart grieves for my friend and the dog he loved, I’m trying to focus on the good. I’m remembering what a sweet dog Buddy was, and I’m thinking about all the wonderful dogs I’ve had, from Topsy and Hobo, when I was a kid, to Molly the Irish setter (our first “child”), and Lizzie, the fluffy little mutt who grew up with our children. Most recently, there was Tucker, our first golden, a sweet, gentle dog who left us way too soon. And now Buckley.

What can I say? He’s all anyone could ask for in a dog. Playful, happy, smart, well-behaved, loving, and devoted. We’re so lucky to have him. I won’t forget it again.


  • Our big black dog is also named Buddy, so this is doubly touching to me. Animals are such a part of our family. Please pass along my condolences to your friend and give Buckley a pat on the head from me as well.

  • Leslie this is very touching. We do tend to forget they wont be here forever and we need to stop and pay more attention. Thanks for this reminder. Love your journal page.. good idea on saving all the quotes in one place. I tend to lose slips of papers all over the house. 🙂 My sympathies to your friend for his loss.


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I’m Leslie. A painter, teacher, and lover of all things creative. A sketchbook artist who captures everyday life on the pages of my illustrated journals. I love sharing, connecting, and encouraging people to find their creative voice through sketchbook journaling. Read more about me, my art, and my life HERE.

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