This is a 10″ x 14″ painting I did of Hoover several years ago. He was lying on an antique quilt in the sunshine, and I just couldn’t resist painting him.

What was really funny, though, was that when I finished the painting, I propped it up on the daybed in my studio to step back and take a look at it, and Hoover walked in. Being the curious cat that he is, he had to check out what the strange object was on his favorite napping spot …

Then he promptly curled up and went to sleep, matching the pose in the picture.

Still remains as one of my favorites!! I pretty certain I emailed you a few years ago after seeing this one b/c I was so taken by it.
I love it, too, Sarah. I framed it and have it hanging in the hallway by my kitchen now, so I get to enjoy it every day. Hoover's such a sweetie, and he's 14 now, definitely slowing down a bit.
this is soooo cutteeeee!!!!
love the picture of the cat and the photo of the cat looking at the picture-this gave me a smile and laughter to start my day-thanks for sharing! -angie