It was a perfect summer morning when I stepped outside onto the patio to give our little grey kitty, Genevieve, a scratch behind the ears. The temperature was just right and a gentle breeze ruffled the leaves on the trees. The deep blue sky was dotted with puffy white clouds. Birds were chirping and flitting around the yard. Butterflies fluttered among the flowers. I almost expected to see Bambi come frolicking across the yard – it was that perfect! I decided right then and there to take some time to capture the day on the pages of my sketchbook…

A morning like that is something to hold onto. In the depths of winter, I like to remember a summer day like this one — the happiness and contentment I felt, the warm sunshine on my back as a sat drawing the roses, Buckley lying patiently in the lush green grass at my feet as I drew the hydrangea, and our cat, Hoover, snoozing under the daylilies as I added them to my page. It lifts my heart a little and reminds me that those cold winter days will soon come to an end, and flowers will bloom again.

in the season the flowers keep coming.

the kitchen window. They grow like crazy and would probably
take over the house if I didn’t chop them back every once in awhile!

this spring, because it was amazing this summer – huge, and
covered with hundreds of blooms!
It’s already starting to feel like fall around here this week, with cooler temperatures and the first fall flowers showing up along the roadsides. So, let’s all vow to take some time and enjoy these last few weeks of summer – they’ll be gone too soon!

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I would love to see some of these as fabric, imagine the quilt we could create!
Ginny took the words out of my mouth! This is so lovely.
Just lovely! I am from the U.S., but live in SE Asia now. I miss flowers (especially spring & summertime ones) from "home". Your painting of these were sweet reminders of my grandmother and her flower gardens as well as the many flowers that I used to plant and watch bloom in my own yard once upon a time. Thank you for sharing!