After the bulk of the heart journal was completed, I added two more pages before calling it finished. My little journal had turned into a full-fledged book, so I felt it needed a title page.
I had been debating for weeks about what to call it, but, in the end, went with the title that Fred came up with when we first discussed my idea of making a sketchbook about our experiences. “What could I call it?” I asked. “It needs a catchy title.” He piped up with, “And the beat goes on…”

So, the artwork and the tagline may be mine, but all the credit for the title goes to Fred. 🙂
I could have called the sketchbook finished after I painted the title page, but I felt compelled to add one final note at the end of the journal.
We are both so very grateful for the excellent care he received at the Cleveland Clinic Heart and Vascular Institute, and I couldn’t end our story without writing a note of thanks to all the people who took such good care of us and made what could have been an ordeal into a positive experience.

I’ve uploaded And the Beat Goes On… to my online gallery where you can flip through this journal and many more of my sketchbooks. Or read it right here…
Okay, I promise this it the last post about this project! I have lots of other artsy things I’ve been working on lately, and I can’t wait to share them with you, too. I’ll be back soon!

What a lovely ending and a great title!
I’m so happy that Fred is okay.
My best,
Cheryl Taylor
He’s doing great – up to walking a mile a day now, and feeling better than he has for years.
Thank you for sharing your story from scary, hopeful, to rejoice full.
We are all grateful with you Leslie. It is special to hear and see a story with a happy ending and ..beautiful artwork. May your peace and happiness continue for a very long time, Joan
Such a perfect title! So glad your story has such a happy ending.
It’s such a relief to have it behind us.
Lovely book of hope and love. The title couldn’t be better, and the text and pictures show the journey you both went on with this scary diagnosis and treatment. Your book turns this experience into something beautifully explained and was good therapy, I believe, for you both. It was the perfect way to distract and put things into a perspective you could handle…a place to put that emotional energy and keep it manageable and understandable.
You’re absolutely right, Lin. I don’t know how I would have gotten through it all without my sketchbook.
I imagine this will be one of your favorite sketchbooks. It’s just perfect in every way, each page adding to am awesome story. Thanks for sharing it with us.
It’s always a pleasure for me to page through any of your sketchbooks.
I’ve enjoyed your book over the last few months! Thanks for sharing your story and your art. Best wishes for you both. ❤️
What lovely book Leslie and I am sure many people will benefit from reading it so that they are not terrified of the procedure. We love the Title and the happy ending and grateful that Fred feels so good. Miss our visits and talks. Stay well and enjoy those grandkids!! xoxo Barb&Tom
If you’re ever in the Beaver County area, let me know. You’re welcome to come for a visit at our new place.
Oh Leslie you couldn’t have described this more beautifully. You are helping so many people by having shown what you went through. I am so thrilled you and Fred are moving forward in wellness. I totally understand what you went through and agree having art and a friend very comfortingly!
Thanks, Connie. You helped me get through it all – you’re such a good listener!
I love, love your book, Leslie! How awesome that Fred suggested the perfect title! I hope you’re sending a copy to his doctor and maybe to the PR department at Cleveland Clinic? It’s just a beautiful account—visually as well as the story—of both of your experiences. ❤️
Thanks, Anita. I’m in the process of getting it set up for self-publishing right now. So many people have said they’d like to have a copy of it. I just might drop one in the mail to someone at the Clinic. I just need to make some calls to find out where to send it.