Origami, the art of folding paper into fanciful shapes, takes on a whole new dimension when it’s done with fabric instead of the tissue paper that’s traditionally used. The silk fabrics that I like to use for origami Christmas ornaments have rich colors and a luscious sheen that looks wonderful when paired with all sorts of sparkly beads, buttons, and bangles.

I love mixing things up, choosing different patterns, colors, and embellishments for each piece.

I sort through jars of vintage buttons until I find the perfect ones for a particular ornament.

Beads from out-of-date trim sample books are recycled into something beautiful…

I make the ornament hangers by twisting 20 gauge wire into spirals, squares, and hearts, adding beads and buttons to coordinate with the fabric colors.

The origami patterns come from the book Flower Origami by Kumiko Sudo. It’s a good primer for learning the folding techniques.

All of these ornaments are available for purchase at Artbeat Gallery in Waynesburg, PA.

This year I branched out and made a few ornaments out of fun cotton prints…

These patriotic ones, with their stripes and polka dots, are some of my favorites…

And, since I live in Steelers country, I had to make a few black and gold ornaments…

And let’s not forget the WVU Mountaineers…

In a few days I’ll be posting instructions for making one of the designs you see here. So gather up some pretty fabrics, get out grandma’s old button jar and get ready to create some beautiful handmade gifts for a few people who are lucky enough to know someone as crafty as you!

For more fabric origami inspiration, check out these earlier posts:
Silk Origami Christmas Ornaments
Fabric Origami Step-by-Step – “Primrose” (Draperies with origami accents plus instructions for making the “Primrose” pattern)
Quilted Pillow with Origami
How pretty your origami silk decorations are. I learnt how to do something similar from a Danish friend. A hand made decoration like those, are nice to give as a little gift in place of a Christmas card. Then it can be hung on the tree each year. I look forward to seeing how to make one of yours.
Una verdadera preciosidad ,a cada cual mas bonito. PAZ Y AMOR
Leslie – just discovered your delightful blog. Art is wonderful and these origami decorations are so gorgeous. I will be back to visit again soon. Had a great time reading through some of your previous posts. Have a great weekend.
Welcome, Debbie! Glad you found me. A Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Hello, I’m in love with your beautiful ornaments.
I’m would love with these beautiful ornaments. When will you have the directions for these beautiful works of art
The patterns are from the book “Flower Origami” by Kumiko Sudo.