Sometimes it’s really hard to find time for our own creative pursuits. It’s a daily struggle for me. I may call myself an everyday artist, but very often the art that I’m producing is for my clients, not for myself. It’s so easy to let my obligations to others crowd out the joy that comes from doing something I really love to do. But I’ve realized that it’s up to me to take the time that I need. It’s a choice on my part. I’m not a victim. No one is holding a gun to my head and saying, “No, you can’t sketch! You must make a slipcover!”
I’ve discovered that it’s easier for me to justify taking small chunks of time for myself than to wait and “save up” for a whole day of painting or sewing or whatever it is that I want to do just for me. That’s why I don’t do a lot of larger finished paintings – it’s much easier to fit in 15 minutes of sketching than to commit hours of time to a 20″ x 30″ painting.
This alphabet is great example of how those little 15 minute chunks can add up to something substantial. I painted the title and laid out the squares in March 2009 and added to it over the course of the next 10 months. Some days I only had time to do one little line drawing, then it would take me days and days to get back to it and add some color. Once in awhile I’d get on a roll and finish a couple of squares in an afternoon. Little by little, the blocks got filled in.
It was so much fun finding things around the house that I could use to illustrate the letters of the alphabet. I have my own favorites – which ones do you like best?

They're all great, I love Buckley and Daisy the best !
I think all the letters are great too! The vitamins reminded me of the amount I take and I noticed gluten free on the oats–is there someone in the house that must not eat gluten? I've been trying to eat gluten free–had a search for GF oats once in Powell, Wyo. There is supposed to be a place there that grows and packages them. Couldn't find it…
Sandy Garnett
I get the gluten free oats at a natural foods store in our area. I've been gluten free for about 18 months now, and Sara is, too. Matt just found out he has celiac, also, so he'll be going GF soon, too. I don't mind it too much since I found a good flour substitute that I can use to make a lot of my old recipes.
Flip Flops, Home and Porch are my favorites. They are beautiful Leslie.
We use the same makeup!! he, he These are great Leslie, as is all of your artwork.. and handiwork.. and basically anything you touch!!