Day 11 of Every Day in May…
I bought a set of Jacquard squeeze bottles when I was at Cheap Joe’s last month. On Day 11 of my May challenge, I had a chance to give them a try. I filled one with SketchInk (color: Lilly) and tried sketching some chives using the finest tip on the bottle.

It was a crazy experience, trying to figure out how to hold the bottle so the ink didn’t totally flood my page. It was wild and unpredictable – a great way to shake things up and be spontaneous!
Where the ink was heaviest, it soaked right through the 93 lb. Aquabee paper, but, luckily, I had thought to put a piece of Duralar Wet Media Film behind the page, so I didn’t ruin the sketch behind it.
After the ink had dried, I splashed on some watercolor, limiting myself to about 5-10 minutes of painting, so it would stay loose.

In the end, I love how this turned out. I think I’ll try using acrylic ink in the applicator bottle next time or maybe thinned acrylic paint, just to see how it affects the flow. It would also be fun to draw something like a stone wall or a gnarly old tree trunk, where the thick and thin lines would really be an asset to the drawing.
Have you ever tried drawing with an ink-filled applicator bottle? Any tips to share with this novice?

Leslie! As always, your posts are absolutely stunning! Thank you so much for sharing!
Please give your Mamma, Saundra, our regards! Most Sincerely, Nancy & Maurice
Thank you for the inspiration! Sounds like fun to turn things upside down for a change!