Enjoying Spring and Planning for Fall

Seems like everything’s blossoming, growing, and greening-up time of year. It’s so much fun to walk around the yard every day and discover what poked up through the soil overnight. Echinacea, hosta, and primroses are all growing, and the bleeding heart is covered with buds. The forsythia was spectacular this year – I brought a few branches inside to enjoy and did this little sketch in my Stillman and Birn Alpha sketchbook the other day.

5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″, ink & watercolor

I’m enjoying spring, but I have to admit I’m a little preoccupied with the future. I’ve been working on lessons for my week-long workshop in Maine in June…

And I need to finish up everything for a two-day sketchbook journaling workshop in San Clemente in July. I’m adding pages to my nature journal in preparation for my “Sketchbook Journaling in Nature” workshop at Touchstone in September, and always, in the back of my mind, I’m thinking about Tuscany in October!

That’s the reason for my writing today. I wanted to let you all know what a great deal that trip is now. The Euro/Dollar exchange rate has been dropping for months and it’s almost down to 1:1. Since my Fattoria Bacio workshop is priced in Euros, that makes it an unbelievable deal! It’s half the cost of comparable workshops. Click here for a flyer that details the prices.

There are still a few spaces open for this all-inclusive seven-day workshop. Read all about it on the Italy Workshop page and think about joining me for the week. We’re going to have a great time sketching, learning, touring, and relaxing. And the food will be fantastic!

We have a great group of artists going on the trip. Many of them are people I know locally and a few are from other parts of the country, but we all have one thing in common – we love an adventure! We’ll be seeing Tuscany at a slower pace, with time to sketch, visit the village markets, wander the back streets of hilltop towns and sit in the sun and sip a cappuccino. I believe that traveling should be more than just checking items off a list of “25 Places You Don’t Want to Miss in Tuscany!!” My goal with this trip is to immerse ourselves in the joys of Tuscany, have a good time and come home with a journal filled to overflowing with memories of our time there.

I’ll be teaching a lesson each day, then we’ll head out to apply what we’ve learned. The class size will be small, only around ten or so students, which will allow me to help everyone individually as they work in their watercolor travel journals.

I’m so excited to have a chance to share Tuscany with a group of fun-loving artists. Think about joining us – it’s going to be a wonderful trip!

Click here for more information about my
Fattoria Bacio workshop


  • Leslie, the little sketch you did in Maine is one of my very favorites. Do you have plans to include it in your online shop offerings? I just saw Bleeding Hearts there. Another one of my favorites!

  • Yay! I just ordered a print of Maine Lupines. 🙂 I'm keeping Bleeding Heart on my wish list, but for now I'll content myself with this beautiful little painting. Thank you for listing it!

    • Enjoy! I'm glad you'll have a little piece of Maine happiness in your home. I'm heading back to Maine on June 5 – can't wait! I hope the lupines are blooming when we're there.

  • Lucky you! I haven't been to Maine since I was little. I look forward to seeing your sketches here. Have a wonderful trip!


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I’m Leslie. A painter, teacher, and lover of all things creative. A sketchbook artist who captures everyday life on the pages of my illustrated journals. I love sharing, connecting, and encouraging people to find their creative voice through sketchbook journaling. Read more about me, my art, and my life HERE.

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