After a long winter that seemed like it would never end, I had a chance to welcome spring this week at Joe Hamm’s Daffodil Hortus, a daffodil farm set amidst the rolling hills of Washington County, PA.

I met up with some of the Summerhill Sketchers for a garden tour and painting session. (Yes, we’re still calling ourselves the Summerhill Sketchers, even though Summerhill is but a happy memory now.)

Three large fields held more than 2000 varieties of daffodils, all carefully labeled and catalogued. We took our time moseying among the planting beds, oohing and aahing over the incredible colors and forms. Some of the varieties date back to the 1600s!

We were encouraged to pick our favorites to take back to the barn for sketching. The only rule was that we had to make sure there were at least ten blooms left of each variety for propagation purposes.

I’m so glad the sun was out that day. It wouldn’t have been the same without it.

When our baskets were full, we headed back to the barn where tables were set up for painting.

Even though most of our time was spent talking and catching up with each other, I still managed to finish a sketch in my 7″ x 7″ Stillman and Birn Zeta Series sketchbook.

I’m feeling a little rusty after two months of packing, moving, unpacking, and organizing, with little to no time for painting, but things are settling down now, and I’m itching to get back to daily sketching.

And since I don’t have a yard and flower beds to take care of yet at our new place, I’ll have lots of extra time to paint! Guess I’ll just have to enjoy other people’s gardens this year.
Have a beautiful spring!

Beautiful! Summerhill Sketchers are a lucky bunch to paint with you.
It’s taken some effort to keep the group going the past two years, but we have a core group that gets together whenever we have a chance. It’s helped to keep me sane through the less-than-fun times of COVID and housebuilding. I’m so thankful for them.
Almost as good as being there in person. Lucky you to have a group of enthusiastic painters to enjoy the beautiful day and those magnificent flowers. Thanks for sharing this outing.
You’re welcome, Marilyn. It was so beautiful, I wanted you all to see it.
What a wonderful day Leslie! Beautiful painting too. Rusty? Not 😉. So glad you are finally settled in your new home. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
We’re settling in. Still waiting for furniture that was ordered last September, but we’re making do with what we have. I’m anxious to start decorating once we have our new dining room set and living room sectional. It’s starting to feel like home, and I love being so close to family now.
Thanks for sharing, Leslie. Who knew there are 2000 varieties of daffodils? Mine bloom at the beginning of February and require no effort. Such a ray of sunshine!
I just wish they lasted longer! But maybe their brevity makes them all the more precious.
These are beautiful, I love daffodils too!
How could anyone not love them? 🙂
I absolutely love daffodils and all these are beautiful! We had a row of them growing when I lived in Arkansas. I would pick a few each morning before school and give them to my friends or teachers.
And what about that tree in the background in picture #4. That looks like a great draw/paint opportunity, too. Thanks for sharing.
My friend Jane took an amazing picture of that tree, with long blue shadows stretched across the daffodil beds. I really should paint it.
What did you decide to name your new place?
What a beautiful place to visit. I bet you are going to plant some daffodils on you property.
Summerhill Cottage
I found some daffodils blooming in the woods just below our new house this spring. It looks like someone threw some bulbs down the hill at some point and they took root. That was a happy surprise!
Love the daffodils and seeing your creative design for the page! ❤️
I envy these ladies and being able to meet like you do! Getting your email is a highlight of the day!!!
Sorry I haven’t had much time to post lately. It’s been a little crazy, but I’m looking forward to a fun summer and lots of relaxing after the big move. I’ll try to post as much as I can. 🙂
Your post made me 😃. Just thinking of you and your friends spending the day outdoors on a lovely spring day chatting,and happily painting
Great photos! Love your sketch.❤
Thanks, Ann. It made us all happy too. It takes some effort to schedule these get-togethers and find a time that works for most, but it’s so worth it. It lifts our spirits and makes us all feel loved and supported. And it’s FUN!
I just love your blog, pictures, drawings. My alter ego paints right along with you and your groups-even though drawing a stick figure is my only talent where art is concerned!!
The daffodils are amazing!
Thank you for sharing such beautiful artwork.
Hi Katie,
I encourage you to get a sketchbook and a pencil and give it a try. After all, it’s only a piece of paper. What’s the worst that can happen? Start small and simple. Your skills will grow over time. I didn’t start out knowing how to paint like this. It’s a learning process, like anything else. If you have a longing to sketch, just do it!
Hugs –
What a fun day . Thanks for sharing Leslie.
I love the glass test tubes. So realistic.
It’s kind of a weird combination, with the test tubes superimposed on the field, but I thought it was a good way to remember both the experience of walking among the flowers and being in the barn with my pals.
I read through all of the comments and cannot see anything more to add except how much your sharing means to me. I get inspired to sketch and to get outside. What a lovely time spent with friends. Thank you.
Thank you for your kind comments, Joyce. I love knowing that we’re connected through my sketching, writing, and sharing.
Thanks, Angela. I hope you can join us on one of these outings. We miss you!
It is such a treat to see your beautiful paintings and read what you are doing. Where is Washington County? I live in Chester County. It would be so nice to meet you sometime.
We’re in the southwestern corner of the state – it would be a bit of a drive for you.
What a truly fabulous day, Leslie. The daff beauty is fabulous but the camaraderie of creating with others is beyond beautiful. I love your painting and I know all those joining in turned out beautiful work as well.
It’s good to see you back!
Thanks, Jeanie. It’s good to BE back! The move was grueling, but that’s behind us now – it’s such a relief not to have a deadline looming. And summer’s on its way! The outlook is good for lots of sketching and summer fun in the coming months. 🙂
What lovely daffodils, thanks for sharing. Love your sketches, inspiring and encourages me to practice! Enjoy your new home.
Thanks, Barbara.
I am so happy to still be on the email list and get inspiration from your site. Just what I need to get out the painting supplies and think spring while I recover from hip injury. Would be terrific to go to another live painting class. It was a wonder trip
Hi Mary – I hope you recover quickly and can get back out there with your paints soon.