Custom Blog Artwork

When you start putting yourself out there, even just a little bit, you never know what might happen…

Starting a blog was a stretch for me – a little bit scary – but I figured the worst that could happen was that no one would read it, and the best that could happen was …well, who knows? Sometimes not having a plan is the best plan. It leaves us open to serendipity. When we don’t try to control things to the nth degree, surprisingly good things can come our way.

One of those good things that have popped up since starting the blog is that I’ve been given several opportunities to do custom artwork for people, as a result of their seeing my sketches here.

One day, out of the blue, I got an email from Amber Sachetta, co-owner of Madison Lane Interiors, a retail shop in Joplin, Missouri, asking me to do a watercolor painting of their building to use as a header on their blog. I happily agreed. They emailed me photos, I drew up some rough sketches, we agreed on a design, I did the final artwork, and, just yesterday, they posted their brand new blog header.  Pop on over and take a look – I’m so proud!

Original artwork (pen & ink line drawing plus watercolor) for blog header

It was challenging to work within the elongated space allowed for the header, but it forced me to be a little more creative. I incorporated the lines and squares from their business card into the design on the right side of the painting. That helped to balance the weight of the building on the left and repeat the accent colors of the potted plants, making it a more cohesive drawing.

When I emailed the finished artwork to Amber and Pam, I held my breath, waiting to hear what they thought. Was it what they wanted, what they had envisioned? Would they like it? Read the post on their blog to see.

Okay, I’ll tell — they LOVED it! Ah, that makes me so very happy. This is fun.

Anyone else need a new blog header? Hmmm? Well, maybe I should get to work on one for myself first!


  • You are truly a gifted artist Leslie. Congratulations and who knows where this could lead you!

  • No surprises Leslie; you know I've been a long-time fan of your artwork so I'm happy to see you with opportunities for expanded recognition!

  • Wonderful work, yes – when one puts themselves out there and makes and follows their will, there is a way!

  • Excellent craft! Hope you continue to inspire more artist to do something like this.


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I’m Leslie. A painter, teacher, and lover of all things creative. A sketchbook artist who captures everyday life on the pages of my illustrated journals. I love sharing, connecting, and encouraging people to find their creative voice through sketchbook journaling. Read more about me, my art, and my life HERE.

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