Welcome to the final day of the Everyday Artist Christmas Giveaway! It’s been quite a week, and I’ve had so much fun reading all of your comments. Tomorrow is the big day, when I’ll be announcing all seven of our prizewinners. Be sure to check tomorrow’s post, and see if your name is among them. Keep your fingers crossed! 🙂
Today I’m giving away a prize package worth almost $200.00! It includes a set of watercolors plus one of my favorite sketchbooks and a travel brush that has become my staple for travel sketching.
The sketchbook is a wirebound 12″ x 9″ Kilimanjaro Paintbook that holds bright white 140-lb. rag watercolor paper interleaved with a lighter-weight bond paper that’s handy for making thumbnail sketches or taking notes.

The American Journey Voyager metal palette is filled with 18 luscious American Journey professional quality watercolors. I use American Journey watercolors all the time and find the colors to be rich and vibrant, with quality equal to or exceeding name brands such as Daniel Smith and Holbein. And the price point can’t be beat! The set I’m giving away comes with a size 6 round American Journey synthetic brush that fits handily inside the palette.

The Princeton Aqua Elite brushes have been my favorite paint brushes since I discovered them about a year ago. I have the entire line of short-handled brushes, and I never travel without my set of Aqua Elite travel brushes. They hold plenty of water and have just the right amount of springiness to suit me. I love them! That’s why I wanted to include this #8 travel round in today’s prize package.

What positive thing has the past year taught you,
and what are you hoping for in 2021?
Today’s prize includes:
- An American Journey Voyager 18-color Mixed Pan Set (Donated by Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff, value: $144.99)
- Princeton Series 4850 Aqua Elite Synthetic Kolinsky Travel Round, size 8 (Donated by Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff, value: $23.35)
- A 12″ x 9″ Kilimanjaro Bright White Watercolor Paintbook (Donated by Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff, value: $26.59)
Giveaway rules:
- The Everyday Artist Christmas Giveaway week starts December 16 and ends December 22, 2020.
- To enter the drawing each day, leave a comment on that day’s giveaway post. It can be a simple “Please enter me in the giveaway” or (preferred) answer the question of the day with a personal comment.
- Please include your name in your comment, so I can be sure to identify the winning entrant. (First name and last initial is okay.)
- NOTE: All comments must be approved before they are published, so there may be a delay between the time you write/post a comment and it shows up here.
- One entry per person for each daily giveaway.
- US addresses only.
- Winning name will be drawn at the end of each day using a random number generator.
- All winners will be announced at the end of Giveaway Week.
- For more detailed rules, click here.
To value the time we spend in others company and to only live today.
That's for sure, Katrina. Moment by moment, that's how we get through this.
2020 has taught me to appreciate life and everything I have been blessed with, to live in gratitude, and to keep my vibration high no matter what is happening in the world. 🙂
We make our own happiness, don't we?
That even a year of restrictions and losses (think covid and not seeing two of my grandsons for a whole year because of closed borders) can be a year of joy (a new granddaughter, my son’s small wedding in our backyard, more time for art) In 2021, I am hoping to get the vaccine!
I hope you've been able to see the new baby. I miss having a baby to hold – our youngest granddaughter is five now.
You're right about the dichotomy that is 2020 – disappointment and loss coupled with joy and time to focus on things that previously were too often pushed aside.
It would be hard NOT to have learned patience during this past year! Also the love of family and friends, and that good health should not be taken for granted!
Merry Christmas! And thank you so much for this blog and the opportunity to reflect!
Merry Christmas to you, too! It's been so heartwarming to read everyone's comments. And you're right about learning patience this year. It may have been forced upon us, but I think we've all learned some important lessons about our priorities.
Gratitude. We used to take so much for granted and this year has taught me to enjoy every. little. thing. My hope for the new year is that we take Covid19, and put it in timeout – permanently! 🙂
It gave me a new appreciation for those that work in the medical field and my hope for 2021 is for cover to go away so I can see my children and their families. It has been a year since we have been together.
~ Lisa Y.
I hope that for you, too, Lisa. That's way too long to go without hugs from family.
Joan LeBel. patience and gratitude and how important it is to be with friends but I have learned a lot online and I am a birdwatcher and have enjoyed the outdoors every day. I just recently saw a hoary redpoll-an Arctic bird that found itself in Boston.That was my Christmas gift. Thanks you Leslie.This has been fun.
That's exciting, to add an Arctic bird to your list. Merry Christmas, Joan, and I hope to travel with you again one of these days.
Thank you, Leslie, and Cheap Joe for making this such fun. I confess, I have had many positives from the last year (fortunately NOT the Covid!). I think I always treasured every day as a compromised health person, but that feeling became far more intense this year. I have reconnected with many, made time to finish projects like my family history book to share and my Covid journal (got that idea from you, though ours are different!); taken more walks, lost more weight and seen the best (and the worst, but we're focusing on the positive) from so many who are willing to help, reach out, serve. This period has brought me closer to so many people with a sense of grace, gratitude and love and admiration. The pace is slower and I've loved that — it helps you see. And quieter, which helps us think. Thanks again for the fun this week!
What a lovely commentary on this memorable year, Jeanie. Thank you for sharing, and have a wonderful Christmas.
Besides feeling how blessed we are to live on our acreage in the country, I also gained a greater appreciation for our church and the family that it has become to us. We started attending in-person again in September and it has been rewarding to see the many ways the congregation continues to minister to the community. For 2021 I hope for renewed health for our world and that people won't forget the important lessons they've learned.
I, too, hope that we'll manage to retain the positives in our life that have come from this slower time.
The most positive thing 2020 has reinforced for me is the value of being a part of this creative community. The friendships I’ve formed here have been a true gift. I hope 2021 brings us many opportunities to gather in person. Merry Christmas and the Best of All New Years!
My art friends have helped me to get through those days when everything seems bleak. Phone calls, cards, texts, and Zoom Happy Hours have been bright spots in my life these past nine months. So glad you were a part of my art community.
I have appreciated all the new ways to communicate via livestreaming, but also all the old ways of keeping in touch via written mail. I am hoping to be more in touch with friends and family, either in person or through other means.
There's nothing like getting a card or letter in the mail, is there? It's knowing that that person thought of us and cared enough to take the time to write that means so much.
The past year has taught me Patience, to count the many blessings I have, to change what I can, and let the rest slide. I hope that 2021 brings an end to the global misery that Covid has caused.
I love that: count your blessings, change what you can, and let the rest slide. That's a good philosophy for any year.
This past year has been a hard one but the lessons learned are sweet. Patience, gratefulness for so many things including my own creativity. Slowing down and enjoying my home.
I agree, it's been nice to spend time at home this year without the pressures of a busy schedule. I'm glad your creativity has blossomed this year, and I hope it will continue to grow in the coming years, after COVID is just a story we tell.
How much I appreciate good health, family and friends. Art is therapeutic!
Janet M
It definitely is!
This past year has taught me that I'm far more resilient than I ever imagined–and that resilience has helped me accomplish a great deal despite the circumstances. My hope for 2021 is that as a country we find equanimity and that we move forward in a more positive way.
We have to make the best of the hand we've been dealt, don't we? There's no point in wallowing. It's best to take action, even in the smallest of ways, to survive and thrive.
This year has taught me to cherish every moment with my teenaged daughters because the reality that they will be gone to college sooner than I’d like. I hope 2021 brings back some normalcy so we can go on a family vacation that was cancelled in 2020.
You'll probably look back on these days as some of the best with your girls. They're growing up so fast. Merry Christmas to all of you!
2020 has emphasized gratitude for me. I want to continue feeling grateful every day in the years ahead for my blessings, large and small. It’s too easy when we’re busy, busy, to overlook appreciation for everyday moments. Thank you, Leslie, for giving us this opportunity to reflect. You and Cheap Joe’s are very generous.
Thank you, Pat. I look forward to seeing you again soon. And I'm thankful for all the wonderful memories we've made together so far.
Looking back on this year has shown me how very blessed my family is for good health when so many others have struggled with the virus. Hopefully next year will bring back some normalcy to our lives and we can get to visit family and getaway for a nice vacation like we used to do before Covid19.
I hope for the same, Jessica. Thanks for sharing.
How much I took for granted being with my family and friends and being out in the world with other people. I’m looking forward to 2021 and to us all getting the vaccine so we can be with each other once again. ❤️ Beverlee
Hi Beverlee – I'm looking forward to seeing you again when we can travel. I've so enjoyed our times together. Merry Christmas!
First I want to thank you Leslie for this fun week of surprises! Ive enjoyed reading everyone's comments too. I am keenly aware that I have the great advantage of privilege, which allows me to keep myself safe and content in my home. I am so lucky and grateful. I do not take it for granted. I am daily, deeply, grateful to those essential workers who are sacrificing everything to help others. They are one bright light in all the darkness in the world. I am looking forward to getting vaccinated as soon as my turn comes up…and the freedom that follows.
You're welcome, Karen. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You're so right about the debt we owe to all those who are sacrificing so much for us.
To be grateful for quiet moments of beauty, and to cherish time with family. I am hoping to finally see (and hug!) my faraway 90-year-old Mom again in person…and to get a summer visit from my daughter who is living in Japan.
Sending good thoughts your way, Marcia, and hoping that your wishes come true SOON.
I pray we can save our democracy and am hopeful to get to visit my mother in nursing home care and hug my family and friends. 🙂
Mary Jo M.
I'll bet she's missing you as much as you are her. I hope it works out for you to be together soon.
Thank you for these wonderful giveaways. What a year it has been. A positive thing I have learned is to appreciate the little things…laughing with friends over lunch, visiting relatives, having friends over the house for a meal. In the coming year, I hope to spend more time with those whose company I had perhaps taken for granted. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season.
I hope the new year brings much happiness and renewed connections with your friends and family. Happy holidays!
I am realizing what is important and what is not. I am appreciating the time I have had with friends finding new ways to be together and be safe. I think 2020 has taught/reminded me of the importance of the present and not dwelling on what we don't have/can't do but on the blessings we do have. Thanks for doing the give-aways!
That's so true, Kim. These months have clarified so many things for us and made us aware of how much we tend to take for granted. Let's hope we remember these lessons as COVID fades from our daily lives. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Jeanne B – Ihave enjoyed this unforeseen respite from a busy and hectic life. It has forced me to slow down and "smell the roses." I have reconnected with friends and family through phone calls instead of email. I have had time to relax and enjoy my art, knitting and music. I look forward to a Covid free world and good health for all.
Sounds like you've made the best of a bad situation, Jeanne. Wishing you a happy 2021!
This year has taught me gratitude, more than I have ever felt or practiced. I've been able to focus on what really matters in my life like family, generosity, a deeper understanding of the world around me. Blessings to you and your family. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you, too, Lynn.
Chuck G here…This past year I have realized that being happy is my decision. My hope for 2021 is that the pandemic ends and that Our country can get healed from political strife.
That reminds me of one of my mother's favorite quotes by Abraham Lincoln), "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
2020 has taught me to slow down and reflect on what’s important. I am so grateful for the gift of time… it’s helped me recalibrate my life and fill it with meaningful things. My prayer is to carry these lessons with me into 2021… and hopefully sprinkle in some European travel!
Maybe on one of my workshop trips some day? 🙂
ohhh, what positive thing this year has taught me? well, it's more of a strengthening of what I have been experiencing greatly the last few years, to just be content with all the good things I do have in my life, focus on that and don't think about what I don't have…hugs from Sandy
Sounds like a good philosophy to live by. Merry Christmas, Sandy!
I am grateful for the time I have had this year to sketch and paint. There have always been places to go and not enough time to just be still. I am so grateful for family & friends who have found ways to connect over the distances.
Sounds like you've managed to find a lot of happiness and positivity in your life these past few months. Art is a balm that soothes and heals. It's really helped to distract me from the negativity that threatens my mental health when I watch the news too much. Hope you have a wonderful 2021.
Please enter me in the giveaway… I need something good to happen for once this year! Thanks for your posts. Todd C.
Good luck!
This year has taught me to be more patient, to have stronger faith in all ways, to show gratitude in more ways, and to fully enjoy the comforts of home and nature. It's been a tough year, but the blessings have been bountiful. Thank you for all you do! Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Thanks for sharing, and have a wonderful Christmas!
One positive thing that came from this year is recognizing the need to slow down and appreciate what we already have. This winter especially reminded me how much I’ve missed that inward reflection.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Siu.
I have learned to appreciate you, and other artists, online as we avoid gatherings. I was missing sketch outings and museums, and it has been both comforting and inspiring, to be able to gather inspiration and encouragement from fellow 'virtual travelers'. That, and a new appreciation for zoom live get-togethers and (in summer and fall) outings with a small group of friends.
Those occasional sketch outings can really help to get us through. My local sketching buddies were a real encouragement to me throughout the summer and fall when we met at a local park. Now that winter is here, we're missing the connection. Let's hope we can all get back to real life soon!
My takeaway this year is not to take anything for granted. Even the simplest things such as the air around us, the water we drink and the food we eat. It has emphasized the role God almighty plays in every aspect of our lives. I hope that in 2021, the vaccine is successful in eradicating all strains of Covid-19.
That sounds like an excellent takeaway from this crazy year. Everything has been distilled down to what really matters.
How fortunate I am to have wonderful, loving and supportive husband. Donna M
I wrote a poem last spring as everything was in chaos. One line was "Spring ignores the rules!" I surrounded it with clusters of daffodils, bluebells and cherry blossoms. Being forced to slow down and find alternatives to our "usual plans" has helped me to be tuned in to the natural world around me. It always consoles and encourages me.
It soothes our souls, doesn't it? It's almost magical, the way I feel cleansed and renewed after going out for a walk and breathing fresh air and noticing trees, birds, clouds, etc. And it's all free!
Please enter me into your drawing.
I've discovered, with chagrin, how I took for granted the ability to spend time (physically, not virtually) with family. Oh how I've missed hugging my mom (age 86) and sitting across the table from her enjoying a cup of tea; I haven't been able to see her since December 2020. The same goes for my two grown sons and their families–I have seven grandchildren whom I can only read stories with through Zoom or FaceTime—and that misses the whole lap sitting aspect of it all as well as the time spent drawing and doing crafts at the same table. Thank goodness for the comfort and love of having my husband nearby in the midst of so much that is missing.
I hope the new year will bring lots of hugs and time with your dear grandchildren and mother. This can't last forever!
It is the responsibility of each of us to create fulfilling lives for ourselves and to honor others in the choices we make. Painting, both en plein air and in my studio has brought me joy, contentment, satisfaction and kept my sanity in tact!
The past year has taught me to enjoy downtime and reading books again! I am hoping to get lots of hugs from friends and family! To travel again in 2021 and that everyone can safely visit each other. SusanH
I hope we can meet again some day at another workshop. Our time together in Santa Barbara seems like a lifetime ago. Have a happy holiday!
Patience… just kidding. Mostly the value of friendships. Time became something I had too much of and people too little of.
Leslie…thank you so much for making this a fun week of giveaways! Even though I missed most of them because my email notifications came around 11 pm, that's ok. I caught the last two and made sure to find your last blog post instead of waiting for the email notification. lol This year has taught me to look for the positive aspect in every situation. It's also reminded me how precious life is and to treasure the time we have here on earth with family and friends. I'm hoping in 2021 that I will stop being afraid to watercolor and just do it (I have been already a bit here and there). I don't like to fail and need to look at it differently than I have been. I need to allow myself to remember when learning something new, failure is part of the journey and that when mistakes are made lessons are learned.
At least I finally figured out why you west coasters were getting the posts so late. Wish there was something I could change about that. Anyway, glad you made it this time. And about the watercolor, just dive in and play around. Remember, it's only a piece of paper. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Getting into sketchbook journaling helped me to feel more comfortable with watercolor. There aren't the same expectations as there are when painting something "important" to be framed. I wish you could take one of my classes – I make it fun!
So grateful to have a job that I can work remotely, and places to escape on the occasional weekend to not feel so stuck at home this year. Looking forward to International travel again in 2021!! Holly S
It helps to get out of the house, doesn't it? A change of scenery does me a world of good.
This year has taught me that people are generous beyond belief. You, too, share your time, talent and, in this case, art supplies. Thank you.
Sharon M
In 2020 I have learned to listen. I chose not to share political or medical opinions that would have caused friction with friends our family needed during the shutdown crisis. I also have (finally!) learned that people simply need compassion and a listening ear to talk through their struggles, not advice. I've also learned that sitting quietly and listening is good for my own soul. Thank you so much for these lively giveaways! It's been fun to hear how you curated each day's offering 😊
There's a lot of wisdom in what you're saying, Rebecca. thank you for sharing your thoughts. And good luck with today's giveaway!
I am a grocery store manager, and the past year has taught me that most people are kind and appreciate the care we take in keeping them safe, and a very few are self centered and obnoxious! Human nature–who knew? 🙂 I am SOOOO looking forward to a trip to northern England I've already postponed twice. I hope to use the tips and guidance I've gotten from your travel sketches to do some of my own. Thanks Leslie and Merry Christmas!
Good luck with your travel journal – I hope your England trip happens next year. I have two workshops planned in France in August 2021, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we'll be able to go. I do so miss seeing new places and meeting new people.
One step, one day at a time 😊
Tracey Humphrey. 2020 has taught me to just slow down and be still. I'm hoping 2021 brings health and some travel
It’s been a rough year and I’m so grateful for my husband, family and good friends.
Barbara Lowe – Appreciating the small things that were probably overlooked prior to 2020.
The lessons from 2020 are many and varied. One of my favorites is my yoga partner and I learned to continue to practice our yoga workouts on Facetime. We thought sure isolation would end yoga for us, but we never missed a day; in fact, we practice more now that we did when we could meet in person. I hope 2021 brings a vaccine that works for everyone. Beth Rowlett
Patience, understanding and charity towards all. To be strong like a mountain, letting all things pass by. Thank you for all the giveaways!
For some reason I seem to get your daily announcements a day late. This 7th day came on the 23rd, after the giveaway has ended. Hmmm.
I can only Echo the sentiments already written. Patience, the joy of silence, stopping to reflect have all been a part of the journey. But I'm ready to journey on. My Hope Is that the lessons I've learned will influence me in a positive way going forward.
Thank you for this opportunity
2020 has been a strong reminder of the good in people, because amidst all the horrible news, there have been stories shining through of people helping one another. I am hoping 2021 brings a chance to re-think our world, and we move to a better-than-normal.
Mary D
2020 has been a very rough year because my husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer……but I have really found strength through friends and family——-everyone has pulled together. I have also appreciated my time for watercolor…to just have quiet and creativity.
To be happy because it only depends on me.
Some positive things that this year has taught me is to be appreciative of every day and have gratitude for everything even the smallest ordinary things. It taught me to truly enjoy and celebrate times together with family. It taught me to be more patient with people and to spend more time in prayer and reading the Bible. It also taught me that I am stronger than I think. It helped to remind me that there is nothing greater than love, love of family and love of neighbors and friends! Ginny K.
I learned my family is a lot stronger than I realized. We've really come together to face all the challenges 2020 has thrown at us. Hopefully next year will be less stressful and more profitable.
During the time of covid I began to make cards and discovered that I really enjoy paper crafting. My children bought be a Cricut machine for my birthday and I have thoroughly enjoyed learning how to use it. Between creativity and caring for my now 18 month old grandson I learned that it was best to keep my body and my mind occupied with activities that brought me joy. 2021 is going to bring me another grandson — how lucky am I!? I also plan to knit, crochet, sew, paper craft, CREATE as much as I can. Also, my husband and I plan to do some traveling as soon as it is safe.
I've learned just how important family and close friends are to me, and to value every precious moment with them.
A deeper appreciation for our health worker, teachers, farm workers truck drivers, postal workers and any other employee that kept us moving. 2021 will bring more creative approach to soloving issues. I believe our future is bright. janice fleetwood-bean