I’ve been having so much fun reading all your comments from days 1 & 2. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your heartwarming stories and memories of Christmases past. I’ve laughed, smiled, and cried over your sweet remembrances.
Today is Day 3 of the Christmas giveaway! The prize for today is a really cool leather travel sketch kit from Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff. Isn’t it cute?

It’s “Joe Miller’s Travel Painter”, and it comes complete with a carrying strap, a travel-size 12-pan palette, two stainless steel water flasks,

two collapsible stainless steel cups,

To enter today’s giveaway, leave a comment here on the Everyday Artist blog. To make this more fun, in your comment today, answer the question…
What is your favorite holiday food, something that you don’t have any other time during the year? (If it’s hard to choose just one, go ahead and name a couple.)
Today’s prize includes:
- Joe Miller’s Travel Painter Set (Donated by Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff, value: $79.99)
Giveaway rules:
- The Everyday Artist Christmas Giveaway week starts December 16 and ends December 22, 2020.
- To enter the drawing each day, leave a comment on that day’s giveaway post. It can be a simple “Please enter me in the giveaway” or (preferred) answer the question of the day with a personal comment.
- Please include your name in your comment, so I can be sure to identify the winning entrant. (First name and last initial is okay.)
- NOTE: All comments must be approved before they are published, so there may be a delay between the time you write/post a comment and it shows up here.
- One entry per person for each daily giveaway.
- US addresses only.
- Winning name will be drawn at the end of each day using a random number generator.
- All winners will be announced at the end of Giveaway Week.
- For more detailed rules, click here.
Please enter me in the Give away!! Vivian Turner
Chex. A mixture of shreddies, Cheerios, pretzels and peanuts, flavourings and too much butter. One must not make it too often!
poppyseed Rolls that my grandmother made . I like them better than nut rolls.
Becky K
Christmas cookies, from childhood pecan fingers and spritz with decorations.
Swedish cardamom rolls with pearl sugar!
~Lisa Y
That is a super-clever traveling kit. What a wonderful gift.
Holiday foods — well, there are a number of cookies (my cousin's Jingle Balls, for one; cut out Christmas cookies for another) that are never made or eaten outside the holiday. And cranberries only seem to come about between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
What are Jingle Balls?
You may know them as Mexican wedding cakes or pecan nut balls. The secret to Jingle Bells isn't just rolling them once in powdered sugar. It's rolling them twice — first when they are warm from the oven and again after they cool, which makes them look a bit more like snowballs!
Homemade eggnog! Then use it to make French toast. YUM!!
Chuck G here…I enjoy home made ravioli that my son and daughter-in-law make.
What a great giveaway. I thought I was aware of every travel kit out there but I have never seen this one! My favorite holiday food is panetonne, an Italian sweetbread. You can find it all year round but it tastes best at Christmas!
My favorite holiday foods that I make only at Christmastime are German stollen and a Polish nut roll. I’ve seen the nut roll spelled at least eight different ways, with probably twice as many variations, but my mom spelled it Kolaczki (pronounced koh-lahch-kee) and made them in cookie form, rather than pastry form.
Sounds yummy, Susan. I used to love nut rolls before I went gluten free. I should look online to see if I can find a recipe for a GF one.
German Stollen. We made many loaves as a family activity, and then enjoyed the products for many weeks after.
Hot artichoke dip! Way too rich for everyday, but my potluck speciality. Oh, I sure miss potlucks!
We enjoy an Austrian coffee cake: Striezel and my husband's mother's raisin tarts.
My daughter brings that every year to our house. It's so delicious and cheesy and decadent! Raisin tarts sound good, too..
A wonderful breakfast roll called a Walnut Twist. A wreath shaped yeast dough with brown sugar, butter, flour and cinnamon in the middle. Yummy!
My Mom’s chocolate chip pumpkin bread!! It’s the only pumpkin I will eat! So good! Also Christmas Wasel (sp?)
We enjoy an Austrian coffee cake: Striezel and my husband's mother's raisin tarts. Thank you for your fun and generous giveaway. Joyce
I love Chex mix and make it my way. This year I made so much I was not sure I was going to even be able to give it all away but was able to. It is so addictive I certainly did not want much around my house as I would be eating it all the time.
This contest prompt didn’t even require thinking—and I have the recently-increasing waistline to prove it!
Since our boys (now in their mid-30s) were little, we’ve made this sweet concoction that’s euphemistically called “Rocky Road” but our version has nothing elegant about it. It involves a 9×12 well-greased pan, butterscotch chips, mini marshmallows, chocolate chips, peanut butter and Spanish peanuts. That’s all you need to know—just add up the calories and you’ll understand why it’s a “holiday season only” treat! And I don’t even *like* marshmallows!!!
I think I gained weight just reading about it!
Ho Ho Ho this is a good one, Leslie 😉 My Aunt used to make home made orange rolls from scratch…the centers were highly prized decadent delights!
My mom used to make the Pillsbury orange buns once in awhile on a Sunday morning when I was a kid. We loved them, but I'm sure they can't compare to those homemade orange rolls from your aunt.
Gingerbread men that my friend gives me every year.
I make snowball cookies every Christmas, and only in Christmas season. They're my favorite, and they remind me of snowy Christmases in Pennsylvania, where I grew up. (No snow where I now live in California — too bad).
A cranberry marshmallow salad, and cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning!
Cranberry marshmallow salad sounds good. Could you send me that recipe? ljfehling@gmail.com I think my mom would like it.
Please enter me! Chris S.
Hands down Eggs Benedict with bacon.
One of my favorite Christmas splurges is the "Cinnabon-ish Cinnamon Rolls" I make on Christmas morning. https://www.food.com/recipe/cinnabon-ish-cinnamon-rolls-gluten-free-376575 They're so decadent and delicious!
Wow oh wow, what a cool prize!!!! I always make a GF cranberry orange coffee cake for Christmas morning! Yum!
Pinwheel cookies
During Chanukah we ate delicious potato pancakes dipped in sour cream or dipped in applesauce. We also had jelly donuts and chocolates wrapped in gold foil to look like gold coins that we would play with in the draidle game and then eat them
We love fondue! We usually can get it pre-made only at the holidays! It's a treat for our Fondue Fridays!
Christmas cookies! Chocolate crinkles, gingerbread people, snickerdoodles, matzo toffee
Struffoli! My Italian aunts would make it every Christmas season. Now myself and my cousins continue the tradition.
My mom was British so she would always make Yorkshire pudding. Since her passing i haven't had it, but such a sweet memory
We love to eat sausage bread and flourless chocolate cake at Christmas! What a lovely give-away! Dottie Best
Prime rib from the local butcher!
Probably my favorite is simply the wonderful variety of Christmas cookies I routinely make every year. I give away a lot of them to loved ones, but enjoy thoroughly eating them too! My other favorite is spinach, artichoke dip that I make from my own recipe, for New Year's Eve!
Homemade Christmas cookies, especially Mexican wedding cakes.
My favorite food at Christmas is Egg Nog Pie following my mother's recipe.It is fabulous and a recipe that is not to be shared. Cindy Gaven
Our traditional Swiss Bretzli cookies. We have made these creamy buttery cookies for generations in our family. I went to Bern Switzerland to get the Bretzli iron.
My favorite is pomegranate. I love the bright red jewel like seeds and love to sprinkle them on other foods like veggies or salads, or to top off deserts. Jody E.
From Pat Browne: I love to make homemade gingerbread and sugar cookies during the holidays. The warm smells of spices and vanilla mix and fill our house with such wonderful scents, always evoking memories of past Christmas holidays spent with family and friends.
(The travel paint set is lovely!)
Pat Browne
Molasses Cookies and cinnamon rolls.
We always made Cherry Winks every Christmas. As my kids got older they were able to pretty much do it themselves but it was always fun to do it together.
Chris K
please enter me in the give away. My favorite food this time of year is a Chip & Cherry Cake. Amber M.
My Mom and Dad always made candy at Christmastime–million dollar fudge, almond roca, divinity. Now my daughter and her grown children continue the tradition.
Your email arrives to my in-box at 11:49 p.m. each evening making it impossible for me to enter you give-away for that day. I am sound asleep at 11:49. Do you know how I can change the time that it arrives?
Each day's post is scheduled to publish at 12:01 am Eastern Standard time, so that should give everyone almost 24 hours to post a comment. I'm not sure why you're getting it so late, but I'm afraid I can't make it any earlier or it would be on the previous day.
Oh, I forgot to answer the question. Fudge! I make fudge for Christmas and only for Christmas every year!
When I left my home in Delaware (for the wide world) returning for the holidays I look forward to scrapple and sweet potato pie. My New England husband & kids still like them also. janice
Christmas cookies! I have some of the recipes that my grandma used to make every year, and it always feels special to bake them each holiday season. —Chloe D
, I celebrate Chanukah. My favorite holiday food is latkes,
Smoked Turkey! We only buy one once a year.
What a lovely kit to win!! That is a darling/cool set up!! My favorite Christmas treat is Pfeffernusse!!! mmmm, delicious!! and it's probably a good thing I only eat it this time of year!!
It is nice to keep receiving your e- mails! It reminds me of Sarasota and starting to paint again! Secret kisses, and spritz cookies dipped in chocolate are seasonal treats we usually only have at Christmas.
I have several favorite holiday foods. They include pumpkin chiffon pie, sweet potato casserole, Hungarian garlic sausage, & Hungarian stuffing.
I like to make a coffee cake on Christmas morning with a cinnamon and sugar topping—-I make it in a Bundt pan —-now everyone looks forward to it every year
I always make caramel cinnamon rolls from scratch, using the recipe from the Betty Crocker cookbook that my mother and grandmother used 🙂
Nancy S . I’m having problems getting through.
Oh my its like picking a favorite child!!
My mothers chocolate topped butter brickle, Our home made Lucia Buns and Christmas pudding with a rum custard topping(Delia Smiths recipe!).. Thank you for the giveaway!!!
Please enter me in the giveaway.