Welcome to Day 2 of my Christmas giveaway! Today I’m giving away one of my favorite sketchbooks, along with a pen that’s a real workhorse. The lucky winner will also receive a signed copy of my Ireland travel journal.

To enter, just leave a comment here on the Everyday Artist blog.

To make this more fun, in your comment today, answer the question…
What was the biggest surprise you ever got on Christmas?
Today’s prize includes:
- A 12″ x 9″ American Journey Journaling Sketchbook filled with 140 lb. soft white hot-pressed 100% rag paper in a soft white hue (Donated by Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff, value: $27.99)
- One copy of my own Sketchbook Journeys: Ireland book (Value: $30.00)
- A black Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pen with Superfine Nib (Donated by Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff, value: $3.70)
Giveaway rules:
- The Everyday Artist Christmas Giveaway week starts December 16 and ends December 22, 2020.
- To enter the drawing each day, leave a comment on that day’s giveaway post. It can be a simple “Please enter me in the giveaway” or (preferred) answer the question of the day with a personal comment.
- Please include your name in your comment, so I can be sure to identify the winning entrant. (First name and last initial is okay.)
- NOTE: All comments must be approved before they are published, so there may be a delay between the time you write/post a comment and it shows up here.
- One entry per person for each daily giveaway.
- US addresses only.
- Winning name will be drawn at the end of each day using a random number generator.
- All winners will be announced at the end of Giveaway Week.
- For more detailed rules, click here.
A few years ago I received a Facebook message from a person I didn't know. I thought, "I don't know her" and didn't answer. Right before Christmas I received a second note with more information. In that note she said, "My father thinks you are his sister." She went on to mention facts only a close relative to me would know. I had searched for this brother off and on for 29 years and finally concluded that he had passed away. In fact it was my brother! I had moved from Seattle to Waynesboro, Va. He had just moved from Winchester Va. to Fayetteville, N.C.. We had grown up in Texas. It was a terrific present!
I'm excited about your courses coming via the internet. Anxious to hear more about them.
Regards and Merry Christmas! Joyce
What a wonderful story!
Mary Y. A Red Rider BB Gun! Nah, just kidding — my mother never allowed any kind of guns in the house. Besides, she made me wrap all the Christmas gifts, including my own, so there were no surprises in our house.
In looking back I don't think I ever had a big surprise for Christmas. I too wrapped my own presents when I was a kid and I always peeked.
I only ever peeked one year. I found all the wrapped gifts in my mother's closet, and, when no one else was home, I carefully peeled off the tape and checked to see what was under the wrapping. I felt so guilty afterwards, and I was so disappointed on Christmas day that I didn't have any surprises, that I never did it again. I taught myself a good lesson about honesty that day. Now, I sometimes know ahead of time what I'm getting, because I tell my family what I want, but by the time Christmas rolls around, I've forgotten what I told them, so I'm surprised anyway!
Best gift was having my whole family together for Christmas!
No Christmas surprises at our house!
No surprises that I can recall. However, I always prayed for snow on Christmas.I now know that my prayers were never going to be answered because I grew up in San Francisco; however, as a child that magical event was thought to be a real possibility..
Hope you and yours are doing well Leslie!
Chuck G Winning this prize will come very close to being the biggest surprise!
Leslie, Sorry this is my second comment because there was an "error". I want to be sure I am entered .Your prizes are so good! Joan LeBel
The first time I tried to make the sticky buns for breakfast (a traditional family tradition) and they turned out perfect!
Sticky buns are the best! They're a tradition in our family, too.
Barbara L – Happy Holidays to all and hoping for bright New Year.
It must be snow! "Please enter me in the giveaway
My biggest surprise was not getting a doggie.
That's a sad, sad story. 🙁 Too sad to share here. I really can't believe you never got your Lassie. Poor thing!
A great big Christmas stocking, probably half the size of me, filled with all kinds of goodies that all kids would like.
I always enjoyed surprising my daughters with the Christmas gifts I knew they'd love. My favorite was the year I surprised them with handmade American Girl doll costumes and accessories that I had sewn. They were ecstatic, and that made me so happy!
The Christmas I was 8 I wanted a puppy so very badly. Christmas came and went and I’m sure I was happy with my presents, but no puppy. However, shortly thereafter late one night there was a commotion in the living room. I went to investigate and was greeted by a little orange and white Brittany spaniel with green eyes. She had a huge red bow around her neck that she kept stepping on and trying to chew. I don’t know who laughed and cried more, me or my parents. That is how I got Muffin, my first dog, who was my faithful loving sidekick for 12 years. It was certainly the best belated Christmas gift ever! 🐶🎄
That's such a great story, Wendy! I love the name Muffin, too – so cute and perky.
We got a toy poodle puppy one year for Christmas. My dad went out to pick it up after we kids were all in bed on Christmas Eve, and my mother was so worried that we'd hear the puppy whimpering during the night, but she was a little angel. Christmas morning, when we came into the living room, there was Christie, snuggled into my father's slipper. She was so tiny, my sister carried her around all morning in her robe pocket.
Wow I can’t think of a surprise just all my Christmas’s have been good. Not anything like this one which there will be no family gathering.
No surprises, but I'm always surprised to win a give-away, so I'll be very surprised with Sketchbook Journeys: Ireland.
I can’t remember any Christmas surprises, but it is my favorite time of the year anyway.
One year my husband flew my younger son home for my birthday (the 23rd) and though it was a short trip, it made me so happy!
My biggest surprise was getting engaged on Christmas Eve 52 years ago. Thank you for offering these daily contests
I was surprised my 1st year of college coming home for Christmas and receiving nothing but Precious Moments figurines. There were so many things I needed, but everyone thought because I had a couple of these figurines, I must have needed more! 😂😂😂
Oh, no-o-o-o-o-o-o!
When we were newlyweds, my husband was stationed far away for Army basic training. He qualified on the rifle range and was awarded a sharpshooter badge and a weekend pass. He made it home in time for a Christmas surprise. That was 51 years ago, and I still remember it like it was yesterday! Best present EVER!
My favorite Christmas memory has to do with a surprise involving my 92-year-old mother-in-law, who has since passed away. I took her shopping for Christmas presents. We fingered scarves, compared sock patterns, and checked out jewelry boxes. (She liked the one with the ballerina spinning around, because it was just like one she had as a girl.) In jest, I showed her a giant display of toy marshmallow shooters. Well, she up and purchased one for every member of the extended family who was going to be present at the festivities, including two Chinese students who were visiting. She was tired from walking and shopping, but she insisted—and brooked none of my protests—on stopping at a grocery store to buy the miniature marshmallows herself. (After some debate, she chose the colored ones because she thought they were more “party-ish.”) The day of our celebration arrived, and she was like a kid in a candy store or a child who couldn’t sleep for listening for Santa’s reindeer hooves. She kept giving me winks and nods as she had the delicious thoughts of people opening her gifts. The moment finally came, and I think it was the surprise of the century—that pacifist, elderly Grandma—make that GREAT-Grandma for some!) had given GUNS as gifts! The flurries of marshmallows that followed were something to behold. Late-comers to the gathering were welcomed similarly to “surprise-party” behavior: Everyone would grab their shooters, load them up, and hide behind furniture, inside closets, etc. When the front door opened, the newcomers were fair game for a marshmallow rain. All through the long holiday weekend, family members found new ways to surprise people with marshmallow ambushes. And this was the gift that kept on giving. Several years later, when we moved all the furniture out of the downstairs rooms to repaint the walls, we found desiccated and marbleized mini marshmallows in several unusual places.
That is the BEST story, Dottie! Thanks so much for sharing. You must miss her so much.
Dottie, that is such a precious story! Made me smile ear-to-ear! I wanna' be known as that kind of grandma!
Would a Hanukkah surprise count? Thanks for doing the giveaways. I look forward to your online courses.
Of course, Kim. Share away!
Denice Rodaniche: Not every Christmas, but often, my parents would have one more gift up their sleeve. Everything under the tree would be open, smiles were all around, but the year I was ten, I was sent out to the kitchen to put on the tea kettle, and there was a new bike! It didn't get used for several months, but it was a surprise that I will never forget. We have been known to pull the same trick on our family.
My parents did the same thing. One year, when we lived in Germany, we had opened all the presents, then my parents finally said, "Hmmmm, I think I see something behind the couch…" We dashed to see what it was and found three brand new sets of downhill skis, boots, and poles. It was a real splurge for our family of modest means. We lived in Germany for three more years and learned to ski in the Alps!
As a kid in the Midwest, the best Christmas surprise was always an overnight snowfall. I do miss those white Christmases now that we are Californians.
I still get excited by a big snowstorm. It never gets old. Wish you were here. We got 8 inches yesterday, and it's so pretty today.
The Christmas surprise I remember the most is one from my childhood. I received a brand new tricycle of my very own and wow did I love that thing.
~ Lisa Y.
Denise L.
This time of year brings all kinds of memories. Sadly, they aren’t all joyous. The gift I give myself each year is to focus on the happy times of years past and those to come.
Christmas surprise: was a phonograph player. But you must remember that was 75 years ago. it was a wind up one. Played 45 rpm. I thought I had won the jackpot.
Biggest surprise — that's a toughie because I'm usually pretty surprised! I think it was a diamond circlet necklace Rick gave me. The chips have long fallen out but I still wear it every day! Thanks for the giveaway chance — and your sponsors, too. The real treat here, though, is your Ireland journal!
Day 2 and wow what wonderful prizes. Never really had a big Christmas surprise myself but I remember being at my grandparents house and my Aunt bought my grandparents a new car. It was cool to see them go in the garage and be surprised.
That's quite a gift!
A great Christmas surprise I remember was receiving wooden, Sears Zenith downhill skiis and the annual pass for skiing at the local hill. I was seven at the time, and I wish I still had those skiis! A life time of skiing began with them.
So one of the most memorable was almost 20 years ago. It was Christmas morning and we had all just gotten up tohave breakfast and gather around the tree. My son who was in the military and stationed out of state had twin baby girls and could not travel so his presents were shipped and all was good. As we were enjoying rolls and mimosas we looked out the window and saw a car pull up. Yes you guessed my son and his family and driven all night to be there with us
I love stories like this. Love and family, that's what it's all about.
The biggest surprise I ever received was actually on December 24th. We had two little boy toddlers and lived an 11-hour drive away from both of our parents and families. My mom, who was working full time and had 45 employees under her supervision, couldn't spare the time off that middle-of-the-week Christmas to drive up with Dad for a visit since she only had the 24th and 25th "off" work. But that didn't stop her! I was astounded when Mom showed up in her little red Honda sports car on the afternoon of December 24th, having driven the 600 miles just to see her "far away" family. And then, late in the day on Christmas, she hopped back in that red sleigh and headed back home. It was a short visit–but so memorable because I knew what an effort it had taken to see our little family on a special day.
What a wonderful mom! She knew what you needed.
Oh, my, I've actually never gotten a Christmas surprise or a present from family. I guess I've not had much family in my life! But I enjoy hearing others' experiences. They warm my heart. But I have gotten cookies, brownies, fudge from friends, and that has been wonderful.
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no surprised but wonderful family time and extended celebration with the Grands, aunts, uncles and cousins. Donna M
The biggest surprise I ever had was waking up to 65 degree temps in Ohio on Xmas day.
When I lived in Africa, my mom sent me a two pound bag of peanut m&most to me. The box had been opened by the post office, which is pretty common, but they didn't take my favorite candy. WS super surprised
28 years ago on December 23rd we found out that we were going to have a 3rd child. We were on the fence about expanding our family, but we're so glad in hindsight that Kevin came along.
The biggest surprise (perhaps shock) I ever got on Christmas was almost 20 years ago. I got up on Christmas Eve morning, with much to do because all 4 of my grown children were coming in the early afternoon- the first time we had all been together for Christmas in years. Still half asleep, I glanced out the front window and, after several double-takes, I realized that my car was not in the driveway; didn't take long to admit to myself that it must have been stolen! I called the police and incredibly, it was found, was okay and I got the car back that afternoon, with only about 100 extra miles on it!
Hmmm… tough one. A few relationships broke up right before Christmas that were a surprise, especially one. Heidi T
My best Christmas surprise was my daughter’s announcement that she was having a baby, our sweet Daniel.
I don’t remember any big surprises for myself but really surprised my children one year with a puppy. They had been wishing for one all year but never thought it would ever happen!
Chris K
No surprises, but we enjoy the blessings of Christmas. Laura H.
One year my brother had very good in his business and he surprised all of my family with a trip to Hawaii!!!! We had 6 months of excited anticipation and so much fun together. We were all shocked and thrilled!
I've always dreamed of traveling to Ireland! It is such a lovely land.
The biggest Christmas surprise ever was my fiancee giving me a rolled up piece of paper, tied with a ribbon. On that piece of paper were small drawings describing our honeymoon trip he'd planned to England! I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd get to travel that far ~ And that was almost 28 happy together years ago ♡ Thanks for a chance to win!
I really can't think of one gift. Growing up I got one big gift and it was usually what I asked for. My family and friends have always said I am hard to buy for so I gave them ideas of what to get me. Any gift is special to me so I would say all my gifts.
I honestly can't remember any big surprises. But all the memories are good ones.
The trick is to give your husband your list in October. You will forget what’s on it by Christmas and everything will be a surprise!
My biggest surprises have always been from my inlaws because you never know and they give the best jewelry. As a kid, like many others, I peaked!
My daughter announced she was pregnant. And now we have Daniel!
My best Christmas present was being able to send my father to visit Ireland several years ago, a few years later I was able to visit with my husband and son. It was just as beautiful as I imagined and I would LOVE to win this Ireland sketchbook! Just seeing Ireland made me want to paint and seeing your work inspires me every time. Merry Christmas! 🙂
Sorry, I forgot to include my name! Mary Jo M. 🙂
From Nancy S. I would love to win this.
Barbara Y
One of my surprises was when we were in Japan as missionaries. As you know they do not celebrate Christmas like we do. We had approximate fifteen fellow Americans in our very small apartment but was very special. The only decoration was a "punch out" Christmas tree. We loved our time there and loved the people! Thank you for the surprise you are giving away.
They all have been wonderful but the first year I received my own pass to ride the bus all by myself, up to the ski resort, to ski all day, eat lunch with my friends and then ride home exhausted and tired every Saturday was monumental!!! For a 12 year old it was heady stuff!
biggest surprise on Christmas…coming home from midnight Mass when I was very very young, and a train had been set up under the Christmas tree, it had a whistle and smoke and I was completely charmed! hugs from Sandy, oh btw, after many years of seeing lots of artist on the internet, you are truly my favorite; I both love your work and you, at least what I know of you! 🙂
This was many years back when my daughter was an about 13. She and her friend had vacuumed the house spick and span (without me ever asking her to vacuum) when I arrived home from work. That is the biggest and happiest Christmas surprise for me!
I got a little pug puppy that I had wanted for the longest time! He was wrapped up. It was the best.