Category: Sketches

Pasta with Asparagus – Delicious!

Pasta with Asparagus – Delicious!

When my parents lived on the farm, my mother used to have an asparagus bed that produced a huge crop every spring, which she generously shared with me, so I have quite a collection of asparagus recipes. This is the one that I pull out most often when the those pretty green spears find their […]

Creative Therapy – Trying Something Different is a Good Thing

Creative Therapy – Trying Something Different is a Good Thing

Sometimes it’s fun to try something different. Step outside your comfort zone and get a little funky and crazy! It might mean making an exotic dish for dinner, or buying a wild pair of shoes to jazz up a dull wardrobe, or just tuning into a radio station that’s different from what you usually listen […]

Hoppin’ Robins

Hoppin’ Robins

Robins are one of the happiest signs of spring. I spied the first arrivals way back in January, and now there are lots of them visiting every day. They always give my heart a little lift, knowing that when they arrive, warmer weather can’t be far behind. They’re so comical, bobbing around, all plump and […]

A Little One is on the Way!

A Little One is on the Way!

My daughter is expecting a baby this spring, my first grandchild! I’m so excited I can hardly stand it! Every time I think about holding that little bundle on my shoulder and feeling that soft, heavy weight as he falls asleep, I just get all choked up, remembering the days of holding my own babies. […]

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