I had such a busy summer, with Sara’s wedding, and work, and gardening, but all summer long, I kept daydreaming about a day in September that Fred and I were going to fly off to Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia, for four days of doing nothing but, well, … nothing! Yes, I, the type-A, work-all-the-time, always-busy, […]
Category: Sketchbooks
Grab Those Moments
I turned from folding laundry the other day to talk to my buddy, Buckley, and almost squealed at how ADORABLE he looked, with his big beautiful head resting on his favorite old scruffy teddy bear. He was so drowsy that he actually stayed in place while I dashed to grab my camera. I snapped a […]
Wedding Memories Sketch
After months of planning and eager anticipation, the day of our daughter Sara’s wedding flew by all too quickly. It was a whirlwind of activity from the moment I awoke until my head hit the pillow that night! I hardly had a moment to catch my breath until I was in my seat in the […]
Summer Wildflowers
I guess I should post this sketch before summer is over and the fields of wildflowers have all faded to winter browns and grays. I just love watching the progression of wildflower varieties that come and go in the fields and roadsides in our area throughout the year. I’m trying to be more aware of […]
Oak Island Sketches
“The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” – Jacques Cousteau We made our annual pilgrimage to the beach last week, and it was a much needed break from the everyday busyness that’s the norm for me. We rented a big, beautiful house just across the street from […]
Everyday Alphabet
Sometimes it’s really hard to find time for our own creative pursuits. It’s a daily struggle for me. I may call myself an everyday artist, but very often the art that I’m producing is for my clients, not for myself. It’s so easy to let my obligations to others crowd out the joy that comes […]
Gallery Still Life
I volunteered today at Artisans, our local art gallery, run by Creative Industries of Greene County. http://www.createpa.org/ After a flurry of activity in the morning, things quieted down in the afternoon, and I had some time on my hands. You know I can’t just sit around twiddling my thumbs, so I pulled out my sketchbook […]
Daisy is my daughter Sara’s golden retriever. She’s a sweetheart and loves to come and visit “Gramma” to romp with our dog, Buckley, and run around in the open fields. I did this painting for Sara last Christmas. I did a pen and ink drawing, then added watercolor washes.
Road Trip Sketches
I’ve been wanting to visit Asheville, NC, for several years and in mid-June my husband Fred and I finally found the time to make the trip. Finding myself with seven hours of empty time on my hands while Fred chauffeured me to vacationland, I started sketching in the van. Since the scenery was moving by […]
Plein Air Painting
I love painting outdoors, and was so excited that a “plein air” painting group has recently started up here in Greene County, PA. “En plein air” is French for “in the open air”. We’re meeting every Sunday afternoon at different locations in our area, and it’s a great excuse for me to go and spend […]