Category: Sketchbooks

Every Day in May: Day 11

Every Day in May: Day 11

Day 11 of Every Day in May…I bought a set of Jacquard squeeze bottles when I was at Cheap Joe’s last month. On Day 11 of my May challenge, I had a chance to give them a try. I filled one with SketchInk (color: Lilly) and tried sketching some chives using the finest tip on […]

Every Day in May: Days 9 & 10

Every Day in May: Days 9 & 10

On May 9, I decided to try out a bamboo dip pen that I’ve had for ages and never used. I sketched the Church at Auvers-sur-Oise, one of the sites we will visit on my trip to Giverny, France, next year. (Click here for information about the workshop.) I used SketchInk, color: Lilly, and found […]

Every Day in May: Day 8

Every Day in May: Day 8

Our granddaughter, Isabelle, loves to fish with Grandpa, and she seems to have a knack for it. For her birthday, we got her a kid-sized fishing vest and loaded it with fishing gear, so she’s now ready for her first outing of the spring. When she donned her funky new bucket hat and polarized sunglasses, […]

Every Day in May: Days 6 & 7

Every Day in May: Days 6 & 7

I loved doing my sketch for May 6th. It was inspired by a color exercise I saw on Pinterest, but I took the idea and interpreted it in my own way using watercolors. I’ve realized I love color and pattern. This sketch has both, so it made me very happy when I was working on […]

Sketch Monet’s Garden in 2025!

Sketch Monet’s Garden in 2025!

Grab your sketch kit and come away with meto breathtakingly beautiful Giverny! Illustrated Watercolor Journaling in Giverny, France August 30 – September 6, 2025 Register here (BOOK NOW – Save $150 when you register before Nov 30, 2024) We’ve all marveled at Impressionist master Claude Monet’s incredible water lily paintings, but how would you like […]

Discovering New Places: Vinalhaven

Discovering New Places: Vinalhaven

After thirty years of visiting Maine, I finally took the ferry from Rockland to Vinalhaven last summer and spent a day exploring the tiny town of Carver’s Harbor and some of the walking trails that wind throughout the island. Of course, I took my sketchbook along, and I thought you would enjoy seeing the creative […]

Snapshot Travel Itinerary Sketch

Snapshot Travel Itinerary Sketch

Travel journaling involves a substantial time commitment. When I keep a full-fledged illustrated travel journal that includes watercolor sketches plus written daily commentary on where I went and what I saw and did each day, it can be challenging to find enough hours in the day to complete everything during the trip. I usually have […]

Heart Journal – Part 7

Heart Journal – Part 7

Catch up on previous heart journal posts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 After the bulk of the heart journal was completed, I added two more pages before calling it finished. My little journal had turned into a full-fledged book, so I felt it needed a title page. I had […]

A Cute Maine Cottage Sketch

A Cute Maine Cottage Sketch

The day after Thanksgiving 2023, my mother and I took off for Florida, leaving Fred with all the leftovers from a huge turkey dinner I had cooked the day before. The two of us were tagging along on a Disney trip that my daughter had been planning for the past year. So, while the grandkids […]

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