Category: Sketchbooks

Summer Fun – Try Sketchbook Journaling!

Summer Fun – Try Sketchbook Journaling!

Summer is a great time to indulge in doing something just for you, whether that means napping in a hammock in the backyard or spending an entire afternoon in a beach chair with your nose in a book.  Perhaps you have a yearning to explore, to try something new and different. Maybe reading this blog […]

Sketchbook Display at Bowlby Public LIbrary

Sketchbook Display at Bowlby Public LIbrary

The nice folks at my local library asked me to set up a display of my sketchbooks a few weeks ago in a tall display case near the circulation desk on the main floor. If you’re local, you might want to stop by the Bowlby Library in Waynesburg, PA, and take a look. It’s a […]

Sketching While Out and About

Sketching While Out and About

I’ve been working on some very detailed painting projects lately, which I’ll share with you soon, but it’s gotten me in the mood to do something looser and quicker. So, this morning when I had to drop my van off at the Chrysler dealer for yet another recall repair, I brought my sketchbook along for […]

Weird Proportions, Funny Noses, Crossed Eyes… It Isn’t Easy Drawing People!

Weird Proportions, Funny Noses, Crossed Eyes… It Isn’t Easy Drawing People!

My sketchbooks are filled with pictures of flowers, landscapes, and everyday scenes from around my home. They even include quite a few sketches of our cats and dogs, but one thing that’s glaringly obvious is that I don’t draw people. There’s a whole big part of my life that I’m afraid to draw. I can […]

The 5-5-5 Sketch Challenge

The 5-5-5 Sketch Challenge

I often take time on a Sunday afternoon to go for a nice, long walk with our golden retriever, Buckley. We both love it, and it’s a great way to get some exercise and spend time outdoors. A few weeks ago, I decided I’d throw my sketchbook and a few basic supplies into my backpack, […]

Dabbling in Gouache & Shifting My Focus

Dabbling in Gouache & Shifting My Focus

I’m always on the lookout for an excuse to buy art supplies. There’s something so exciting about testing a new set of markers, opening up a fresh sketchbook, or trying out a new paint color. A world of possibilities awaits! I think it all goes back to those childhood days when nothing made me happier […]

Tropical Muffins with Coconut-Macadamia Topping

Tropical Muffins with Coconut-Macadamia Topping

These muffins define the word scrumptious! They’re so moist and delicious, with a flavor that’s a combination of banana-nut bread and a yummy piña colada! I clipped the recipe from a Cooking Light magazine a few months ago and have been wanting to try it ever since. This morning I had some bananas that were […]

A Funny Thing Happened While I Was Out Sketching

A Funny Thing Happened While I Was Out Sketching

It was a gorgeous Sunday afternoon in early March when I set off down the road from our house to do a little sketching. I wanted to add a page or two to my Greene County sketchbook and thought I’d meander along the back roads until I found just the right spot. I didn’t have […]

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