Category: Sketchbooks

75 Day Sketch Challenge: Days 26-27

75 Day Sketch Challenge: Days 26-27

My grandson Nicholas looked so cute the other day when he was here. He had on a little navy and white striped baseball outfit, and, with those chubby little arms and legs, and big brown eyes, he was just about irresistible. I snapped some photos to draw from later, and did this page that evening… […]

75 Day Sketch Challenge: Days 24-25

75 Day Sketch Challenge: Days 24-25

Day 24 was almost over, and I hadn’t had a chance to do my sketch yet. I picked up my sketchbook and, pen in hand, wandered through the house looking for something to draw. Suddenly I spied my husband sitting on the couch doing some paperwork. Hmmm, this looked like a great opportunity to practice […]

75 Day Sketch Challenge: Days 22-23

75 Day Sketch Challenge: Days 22-23

I have a collection of pale aqua antique medicine bottles that I’ve begun filling with sand from the beaches we visit. They sit on a shelf in my studio, reminding me of those sunlit days and crashing waves, and making me long to escape. 5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″, drawn with a black superfine Pitt […]

75 Day Sketch Challenge: Days 20-21

75 Day Sketch Challenge: Days 20-21

I kind of went wild with daisies on Day 20’s page. It was one of those summer mornings when I was awakened by the sun at around 5:00 am, so I figured I might as well get up and get to work. But, instead of working, I ended up sitting outside by the flower bed […]

75 Day Sketch Challenge: Days 18-19

75 Day Sketch Challenge: Days 18-19

This sketch challenge is definitely keeping me busy! I’m managing to keep up with the drawing, but have fallen behind in my posting. We’ve had power outages to contend with after last Friday’s damaging thunderstorms, and four days of no phone or internet, but things are back to normal now, and I’ll try to catch […]

75 Day Sketch Challenge: Days 11-17

75 Day Sketch Challenge: Days 11-17

I’ve been sketching up a storm and managing to stick to the challenge rule of drawing directly with a pen. I occasionally bend the rules a tiny bit by using a pencil to lay out the lettering, like in the sketch below, but the subject matter is all drawn in ink.  (All sketches are done […]

The First Fruits of Summer

The First Fruits of Summer

Today was a scorcher, just what the first day of summer should be! I spent an hour in the garden early this morning, as the sun was just peeking over the trees, and did my weeding and harvesting before it got too hot. Watercolor & ink (Lexington Gray) in Stillman & Birn Alpha Series sketchbook […]

75 Day Sketch Challenge: Days 6-10

75 Day Sketch Challenge: Days 6-10

I’m already reaping the rewards of the 75 Day Sketch Challenge… and I’m only on Day 11! It’s becoming second nature to draw directly with a pen. No more fussing around with a pencil drawing first. Now I simply observe closely and record what I see. It’s saving me time and energy. And I think […]

75 Day Sketch Challenge: Days 1-5

75 Day Sketch Challenge: Days 1-5

I’ve accepted the challenge – the 75 Day Sketch Challenge, that is! Artist Brenda Swenson came up with the idea as a way to encourage people to hone their drawing skills and gain confidence as an artist. You can read all the details on her blog.   Basically, the challenge involves doing 75 sketchbook drawings in […]

Garden Marauders

Garden Marauders

After tending my patch of June-bearing strawberry plants for weeks, carefully weeding, mulching, and watering, I could hardly wait for the berries to ripen. The plants were loaded with pink berries – they only needed a few more days till they’d be ripe, juicy, and ready to meet their destiny swimming in a bowl of […]

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