Category: Sketchbooks

France Sketchbook – Day 2 – Paris (continued)

France Sketchbook – Day 2 – Paris (continued)

(Read part I of  Day 2 here.) After we left the Tuileries, we hopped on the bus and began to make our way to the Eiffel Tower. I wanted to see it up close and maybe do a little sketching, but the traffic in Paris that day was even worse than usual. There were all […]

France Sketchbook – Day 1

France Sketchbook – Day 1

Hello out there! It’s been so long since I’ve checked in here that you might have been wondering if I got lost in Paris and never made it home. 🙂 No such luck. (Just kidding, Fred!) I’m back home safe and sound, just catching up on things and taking some time to relax with the […]

Bon Voyage!

Bon Voyage!

Today’s the day! It’s finally here. This afternoon I’m flying to Paris! I’ve been dreaming of this for years. I remember buying a Paris guidebook almost twenty years ago in the hopes that I would somehow find a way to visit that magical, mythical place one day. It all seems unreal, the fact that I’m […]

Casa Romantica Step-by-Step

Casa Romantica Step-by-Step

One of the assignments I gave the students during my “Sketching on Location” workshop in San Clemente last month was to look for a view that was framed by something, like an arch, columns, or trees. Dutiful teacher that I am, I decided to set an example by sketching the view through the arches on […]

Sketching on Location at Casa Romantica

Sketching on Location at Casa Romantica

The second day of my “Sketching on Location” workshop took us to Casa Romantica in San Clemente. This beautiful place was built in 1927 as the home of the founder of San Clemente, Ole Hanson. It’s now a public garden and cultural center, and we were lucky enough to spend the day there painting together. […]

Sketching on Location at the Casino – Part II

Sketching on Location at the Casino – Part II

As promised, here’s the last sketch I did during our day of sketching on location at Casino San Clemente… Ink & watercolor, 10×7 Handbook Field Watercolor Journal I used a composite page layout. This is a great way to squeeze in a lot of information about a place on one page, so it’s perfect for […]

Sketching on Location at the Casino – Part 1

Sketching on Location at the Casino – Part 1

After I finished up my “Sketch It Now” workshop in San Clemente, I launched right into “Sketching on Location” the next day. I started out the first morning with a little pep talk in the classroom. Or maybe I should call it a “prep talk” since the idea was to give everyone some practical ways […]

A Cacophony of Color!

A Cacophony of Color!

When I was in Florida a few weeks ago, my friend Judy and I spent a few hours at the Village of the Arts in Bradenton. We had a great lunch and strolled through the neighborhood filled with brightly colored historic cottages. Many of them house galleries, art studios, restaurants, and specialty shops. The little […]

Scenes from Certaldo Alto

Scenes from Certaldo Alto

I’ve been working hard to finish up some of the unpainted sketches I brought home from my Italy trip last fall. Here’s a composite page I did the day we visited the medieval hilltop village of Certaldo alto… Since I taught two week-long workshops at Fattoria Bacio this past year, I had two visits to […]

Chapel Sketch + GIVEAWAY

Chapel Sketch + GIVEAWAY

This is one of my favorite sketches so far in my 2016 Tuscany travel journal… 10″ x 7″, ink & watercolor in a Handbook Field Watercolor Journal I had pre-painted the page earlier with watery washes of blue, yellow, and burnt sienna and let it dry thoroughly. I did a little bit of planning for […]

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