The two redbud trees on the south side of our house have been blooming for weeks, and they give my heart a little lift every time I glance out the window and see them. The colors change depending on what time of day it is, and I can never decide if I like the rich, […]
Category: Sketchbook Journaling
The Realities of a Sketching Vacation
Italy was wonderful, beautiful, art-filled, exciting, and endlessly interesting. There’s so much to tell, and it’s difficult to even know where to start. I’ll be posting lots of photos and notes about the trip over the coming weeks, but I’m guessing a lot of you are wondering if I actually did any sketching while I […]
My Travel Sketching Supplies
In my last post I showed you the fabric organizer that I made to take along on my upcoming trip to Italy. I thought you might like more specifics about what’s going in the kit. If I had to, I could get by with nothing more than a pencil, a Pitt pen and my sketchbook. […]
Book Giveaway — An Illustrated Journey!
In a mere eighteen days, I am going to be on my way to Italy! I can’t tell you how excited I am at the prospect. My sketching buddy, Suzie, and I will be housesitting for a friend for ten days in Vicenza, in northern Italy, then we’ll travel south for a taste of Tuscany […]
Sketchbook Journeys: Savannah, Georgia
My husband and I recently celebrated our 36th wedding anniversary with a trip to Savannah, Georgia … (Click any picture to enlarge) (Watercolor & ink in a Canson 10″ x 7″ watercolor sketchbook) My favorite sketch from our trip. What a beautiful old city! The historic area has hundreds of perfectly maintained homes from the […]
Remembering Last Summer
Last July I sketched the gorgeous Asiatic lilies growing next to the patio in our back yard. They only bloom for a few short weeks, but their delicate beauty and sweet scent bring a smile to my face very time I walk outside. They’re just so beautiful! 5-1/2″ x 8″, ink & watercolor in Stillman […]
Quick Sketching in the Winter Woods
If you’ve been reading my blog for long, you may remember a post I wrote last spring about my 5-5-5 Sketch Challenge. (Walk for five minutes, draw for five minutes, then paint for five minutes.) Last weekend, I thought I’d give it a try again, this time without my sidekick, a big, sloppy golden retriever […]
Skiing and Sketching
I spent a few days visiting with family and friends this week at my mom’s place at Alpine Lake, near Terra Alta, West Virginia. I took advantage of all the snow they’ve had in the past few weeks and went out cross-country skiing several times while I was there. I brought home a nice reminder […]
12-12-12 in Our Little Corner of the World
It was just a day like any other, I guess, but I got a real kick out of the whole 12-12-12 thing. I just think it’s really cool! Like glancing at the clock and seeing that it’s 11:11 or 10:01, or looking at my odometer and seeing 12,345. It’s fun! Significant numbers give me a […]
Sketchbook Journeys – Arizona: Day 3
As my friend and I drove toward the Santa Rita Mountains on the final day of my mini-vacation, we were looking forward to starting our first sketch of the day. We found a pretty spot on the road to Madera Canyon and began to set up our gear, but high winds forced us to retreat […]