Category: Sketchbook Journaling

Sketchbook Journeys – Cape Cod: Days 6 & 7

Sketchbook Journeys – Cape Cod: Days 6 & 7

We learned to plan our walks around the rise and fall of the tides while we stayed in Wellfleet. The beach at Pleasant Point Landing, just down the road from our cottage, was under four feet of water at high tide, but at low tide we could walk all along the shore on dry, sandy […]

Sketchbook Journeys – Cape Cod: Day 5 (continued)

Sketchbook Journeys – Cape Cod: Day 5 (continued)

Look who was hanging out at the beach with us on Day 5 of our Cape Cod vacation… This big guy bobbed around off-shore all afternoon, riding the swells and watching us watching him. It was all well and good until Buckley caught a whiff of him and tried to swim out through the breakers […]

Sketchbook Journeys – Cape Cod: Days 3-5

Sketchbook Journeys – Cape Cod: Days 3-5

Any visit to Provincetown is guaranteed to be memorable. It has interesting people, charming historic buildings, a bustling harbor, fun shops, and dogs everywhere! Ink & watercolor in a hardbound 5.5″ x 8.5″ Stillman and Birn Beta series sketchbook I tried to capture some of its quirky vibe in this composite page. The whimsical lettering […]

Sketchbook Journeys – Cape Cod: Days 1 & 2

Sketchbook Journeys – Cape Cod: Days 1 & 2

I’ve been away from blogging for a few weeks, finishing up my Cape Cod sketches and working on a new business venture which I’ll be announcing soon. I also managed to slip in a little trip with my mom and sister, to celebrate my sis’s birthday. I’m back now and anxious to share my Cape […]

Step-by-Step Watercolor Painting: Highland Light – Cape Cod

When we were in Cape Cod last week, I did a quick vignette sketch of the Highland Light near Truro, and I thought you might enjoy seeing a step-by-step of how I added the watercolor back at home. Here’s the completed sketch… “Highland Light”, 5-1/2″ x 8-1/2″ ink & watercolor in Stillman & Birn Beta […]

Sketching the Time Away

Sketching the Time Away

A twelve-hour van ride is enough to drive me bonkers if I don’t have anything to occupy my time. I get antsy and impatient and tend to snack too much, just to break up the monotony. But last week, when my husband and I were packing for a trip to Cape Cod, and I was […]

Experiencing Stillman & Birn’s Zeta Series Sketchbooks – PART 3

Experiencing Stillman & Birn’s Zeta Series Sketchbooks – PART 3

After spending some time getting to know my new Zeta sketchbook from Stillman & Birn, I took it along on a family vacation to Maine. (To see Parts 1 & 2 of my review, click here and  here.) Although I packed several sketchbooks for the two-week trip, I found myself reaching for the Zeta more […]

Sketchbook Journeys – Italy: Day 8 (Poianella, Lupia, & a time-lapse watercolor video!)

Sketchbook Journeys – Italy: Day 8 (Poianella, Lupia, & a time-lapse watercolor video!)

Day 8 of our stay in northern Italy was a hang-out day. It gave me a chance to do laundry and wander around the little village of Poianella on foot, sketchbook in hand. Of course, anytime I venture out to sketch, something interesting is bound to happen… 10″ x 7″, ink & watercolor in Stillman […]

Sketchbook Journeys – Italy: Bits & Pieces

Sketchbook Journeys – Italy: Bits & Pieces

Shutters, flowers, balconies, iron gates…interesting and beautiful little scenes were everywhere in Italy.  It was a feast for my eyes and spirit.    10″ x 7″, pencil & watercolor, Stillman & Birn Beta series sketchbook. Each small sketch is 1-1/2″x 1-1/2″. I pretty much walked around in a constant state of wonder while I was […]

Sketchbook Journeys – Italy: Day 7 (Vicenza – Monte Berico & a new friend)

Sketchbook Journeys – Italy: Day 7 (Vicenza – Monte Berico & a new friend)

Here’s one final post about our visit to Vicenza. (Even though we were only in the city for eight hours or so, it’s taken me two weeks to get the sketches from that day finished!) After touring the city proper, we climbed the 235 stone steps to the top of Monte Berico, where we rested […]

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