Category: Sketchbook Journaling

“Too Much Luggage” Sketch + Paintbrush and Holder GIVEAWAY

“Too Much Luggage” Sketch + Paintbrush and Holder GIVEAWAY

After a day and a half of traveling to Italy from the US, and two and a half days in Cinque Terre, it was finally time to move on to Florence and then to Fattoria Bacio, in Certaldo, where I would teach two week-long sketching workshops. My friends Cindy and Carol watch the scenery going […]

Manarola Sunset Sketch + GIVEAWAY

Manarola Sunset Sketch + GIVEAWAY

I’m glad I took the time to journal on this trip to Italy. It does take some effort to make time to write things down each day, but it’s amazing how quickly we forget the details if we don’t record them in some way. Each day blurs into the next and you can’t rmember where […]

Vernazza Sketch + GIVEAWAY

Vernazza Sketch + GIVEAWAY

When I visited Italy in September, I only had two full days to explore the towns of Cinque Terre, but we managed to see four of the five villages, and that was without rushing around too much. We had leisurely lunches and hours of meandering, plus time spent sketching. One of my favorite experiences was […]

Manarola Harbor Sketch + GIVEAWAY!

Manarola Harbor Sketch + GIVEAWAY!

I have a week’s worth of Italy sketches to share with you, but rather than post them all at once, I thought it might be fun to spread them out over the next seven days and give you seven chances to win some brand spankin’ new art supplies for yourself. I’ll tell you all about […]

Step-by-Step Watercolor: Olive Sketch

Step-by-Step Watercolor: Olive Sketch

The olive oil from Fattoria Bacio (the estate that hosts my workshop in Italy) is the best I’ve ever tasted! During our week at the villa, the students and I sloshed it over just about everything at dinner each night: bread, pasta, salad, meat, and vegetables. And by the end of the week, we all […]

Italy Sketchbook — Travel is NOT for Sissies!

Italy Sketchbook — Travel is NOT for Sissies!

I always have such high hopes when I head off on a trip, thinking I’ll be able to share lots of great stuff with you here on my blog while I’m away, but it just doesn’t seem to work out that way. Things get very busy when I’m teaching a workshop, and there just aren’t […]

“Sketch Your Life!” Workshop at Summerhill

“Sketch Your Life!” Workshop at Summerhill

Last weekend I hosted my first three-day “Sketch Your Life!” workshop here at my home, and we all had a great time exploring the possibilities of sketchbook journaling. I injured my toe when I was rearranging furniture for the workshop. Ouch!! I ended up with a nasty infection, but it’s healing nicely now, thank goodness! […]

Sketches from Maine – Part 4

Sketches from Maine – Part 4

Andrew Wyeth painted hundreds of paintings in Maine during his life, and the Olson House was one of his favorite subjects. It’s now part of the Farnsworth Museum. We visited on a beautiful summer day and had a chance to sketch for awhile after touring the house and watching a documentary about Wyeth. The house […]

Sketches from Maine – Part 3 (Step-by-Step Tutorial)

Sketches from Maine – Part 3 (Step-by-Step Tutorial)

During my June workshop in Maine, I waited all week for the perfect day to drive to the top of Mt. Battie and spend some time sketching. My patience was rewarded when we awoke one morning to abundant sunshine and clear blue skies. The view from the top of Mt. Battie is spectacular – deep […]

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