Category: Pets

The Best of Dogs

The Best of Dogs

Dogs’ lives are too short. Their only fault, really. – Agnes Sligh Turnbull We said goodbye to our sweet golden retriever, Buckley, this week. He developed some health issues a few months ago, and we knew that his time with us would soon be coming to an end, but nothing can prepare you for the […]

One more thing…

One more thing… Dogs added to sketch

As I was finishing up the final paragraph of my last blog post, I suddenly realized that I had forgotten to include Buckley and Buddy in my sketch. That just wasn’t right! How could I have been so thoughtless? They had waited patiently for me for over an hour as I drew and painted; they certainly deserved a spot on the page. So I managed to squeeze them in – can you find them?

After the Walk: Finishing a Nature Sketch in the Studio

After the Walk: Finishing a Nature Sketch in the Studio Finished nature sketch

In yesterday’s post, (find it here), I shared how this page began with a walk in the woods and a “5-5-5 Sketch Challenge”, where I walked, drew, and painted one image at a time to create a composite sketch. The plein air sketching session gave me a good start on this page, but it needed […]

A Walk with the Boys

A Walk with the Boys

One Sunday in early spring, I decided to do a 5-5-5 Sketch Challenge: I would walk for 5 minutes, draw for 5 minutes, and paint for 5 minutes until I had filled a page (or two) in my sketchbook.

Come along with me and the boys, and see how a blank sketchbook page develops, step-by-step, into a complete sketch!

Meet Maggie the Goldendoodle

Meet Maggie the Goldendoodle

Introducing….Maggie! A sweet, lovable Goldendoodle puppy who lives with her family in a cute cottage in Atlanta, the same cottage that I painted last December and shared with you in this post. “Maggie’s Dream”,  10″ x 12-1/4″, ink & watercolor on Saunders Waterford 140 lb. paper Maggie’s “grandma” commissioned me to do a portrait of […]

Remembering A Sweet, Smiling Samoyed

Remembering A Sweet, Smiling Samoyed

It tears at my heart when someone I care about loses a pet. I know how gut-wrenching the loss of a dog can be because I’ve been through it so many times. A beloved companion was there one day, and then he was gone, leaving a gaping hole in our lives with his passing. To […]

The 5-5-5 Sketch Challenge

The 5-5-5 Sketch Challenge

I often take time on a Sunday afternoon to go for a nice, long walk with our golden retriever, Buckley. We both love it, and it’s a great way to get some exercise and spend time outdoors. A few weeks ago, I decided I’d throw my sketchbook and a few basic supplies into my backpack, […]



Aren’t these eyes just irresistible? They belong to a sweet 15 year old Irish Setter named Molly whose portrait I was commissioned to paint for Christmas. Isn’t she beautiful? When my friend first contacted me about doing a painting of her son’s Irish Setter, I mentioned to her that Fred’s and my first dog was […]

Kitty Week – Sketch #7

Kitty Week – Sketch #7

It’s the final day of “Kitty Week”, and it’s time you met Mica, who came to live with us a few years ago after she had some “issues” with being a well-behaved inside-cat at Sara’s house. She now grudgingly coexists with Genevieve, Hoover, and Buckley and spends most of her time outdoors. She loves to […]

Kitty Week – Sketch #6

Kitty Week – Sketch #6

I have a soft spot in my heart for this little sketch of Hoover and our golden retriever, Tucker, who died about 18 months ago. Tucker was the best dog, and Hoover was madly in love with him.  The two buddies would curl up and nap together whenever they had a chance. Hoover tries to […]

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