Today’s the day! It’s finally here. This afternoon I’m flying to Paris! I’ve been dreaming of this for years. I remember buying a Paris guidebook almost twenty years ago in the hopes that I would somehow find a way to visit that magical, mythical place one day. It all seems unreal, the fact that I’m […]
Category: France
Let’s go to Provence!
I have awesome news to share —– I’m going to be teaching in Provence in 2017! When the lavender is in bloom! Can you imagine anything prettier? I’ve been working with the folks at French Escapade, who have years of experience organizing artist tours, to plan our trip. Jackie Grandchamps is the owner of French […]
The Day We Were Supposed to Be in Florence :(
Guess where I am……………no, not Florence…… Hint: Look at the magazine covers. Yes, I’m in Paris! For eight long hours. In the Charles DeGaulle Airport, waiting for a flight to Florence. This isn’t what I envisioned when I dreamed of seeing Paris someday. Our flight was delayed last night out of Pittsburgh, causing us to […]