Category: France

France Sketchbook – Day 6 – Roussillon

France Sketchbook – Day 6 – Roussillon

It’s been a busy spring here at Summerhill, and I’ve been doing more planting and mulching than blogging and painting lately, but before I leave for Maine tomorrow, I want to share with you a few of the pages from my Provence sketchbook that I haven’t gotten around to posting here yet. When I last […]

France Sketchbook – Villa Glanum + The Thinking Process Behind Page Design

France Sketchbook – Villa Glanum + The Thinking Process Behind Page Design

After a morning spent sketching at Saint Paul-de-Mausole monastery, my students and I enjoyed a wonderful lunch at our hotel, then we gathered for class outdoors under the shade trees in the courtyard. (This post is a continuation of my travel journal postings from a trip to Paris and Provence. As I finish up the […]

France Sketchbook – Day 5 – Lavender Field at St. Paul de Mausole

France Sketchbook – Day 5 – Lavender Field at St. Paul de Mausole

Ah, the lavender fields of Provence! Ink & watercolor in a handmade 6″ x 8″ sketchbook with 140 lb. Kilimanjaro paper They really are pretty as a picture. The colors, the fragrance, and the beauty of it all are simply unforgettable!  During our first sketching session in Saint Remy, my students and I spread out around […]

France Sketchbook – Day 5 – Saint Paul de Mausole Monastery

France Sketchbook – Day 5 – Saint Paul de Mausole Monastery

Two-page spread, ink & watercolor in a 6″ x 8″ handmade hardbound sketchbook filled with Kilimanjaro 140 lb. watercolor paper When I woke up that first morning in Provence, I didn’t know what the day would hold, but the sun was shining, the cicadas were buzzing, the lavender was blooming, and all was right with […]

France Sketchbook – Day 4 – Provence

France Sketchbook – Day 4 – Provence

After three days in Paris, we were finally heading for Provence! We all met our tour director, Jackie (from French Escapade) and her assistant, Marie, at the train station in Avignon. It was a relief to finally turn over all the decision-making to someone else! I knew they would have things well in hand, but […]

France Sketchbook – Day 3 – Versailles (continued)

France Sketchbook – Day 3 – Versailles (continued)

I spent ten wonderful days in France last summer, and I’ve been working off and on to finish up my travel journal from the trip ever since then. I posted my sketches from Paris right after the trip but never got around to posting anything from my time in Provence. I’ve been loving working on […]

France Sketchbook – Day 3 – Versailles

France Sketchbook – Day 3 – Versailles

The palace of Versailles began in the early 17th century as a modest hunting camp for King Louis VIII, but around 1661 King Louis XIV decided it just wasn’t quite enough for him. He embarked upon a period of expansion that lasted 33 years, making Versailles the world’s largest royal domain. 6″ x 8″, ink […]

France Sketchbook – Paris Edibles

France Sketchbook – Paris Edibles

Summer does get busy, doesn’t it? We were away at the beach in Oak Island, NC, last week, and I barely had time to get the laundry done before I had to start getting ready for a two-day “Sketch It Now” workshop here at Summerhill this weekend. Then on Tuesday I’ll be flying off to […]

France Sketchbook – Eiffel Tower Step-by-Step Watercolor Tutorial

France Sketchbook – Eiffel Tower Step-by-Step Watercolor Tutorial

Here’s the tutorial I promised you about how I painted the sketch of the Eiffel Tower that I did on location in Paris… I had sketched the tower lightly with pencil first to give myself a guide to follow. I was careful to use a center line, which helped me to keep it straight and […]

France Sketchbook – Day 2 – Paris (continued)

France Sketchbook – Day 2 – Paris (continued)

(Read part I of  Day 2 here.) After we left the Tuileries, we hopped on the bus and began to make our way to the Eiffel Tower. I wanted to see it up close and maybe do a little sketching, but the traffic in Paris that day was even worse than usual. There were all […]

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