Category: Collage

Sketchbook Journeys – Ireland: Days 4-6

Sketchbook Journeys – Ireland: Days 4-6

Dunluce Castle was our last stop in Northern Ireland. The crumbling structure looks as if it might tumble down the cliffs into the churning waters of the Atlantic during a rough winter storm. When I did this little sketch of the castle, I framed it with a Celtic border, drawn after we were out of […]

Sketchbook Journeys – Ireland: Days 3-4

Sketchbook Journeys – Ireland: Days 3-4

I wanted to stop and visit every cute little town we drove through in Ireland. They all looked so inviting, with their colorful buildings, interesting shops, pretty houses, and window boxes filled with cascading flowers. We did make a stop in Ballycastle, where I sat in the warm sunshine on a stone wall, balancing my […]

Tribute to a Life – A Memory Collage

Tribute to a Life – A Memory Collage

How do we commemorate a life well-lived? People pass from our lives, and we look for ways to hold onto those dear memories that we’ve built up over the years with that person. My life was touched by a special woman who passed away last winter at the age of 93. She lived a simple […]

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