Leslie Fehling

Catching Up

Catching Up

I’m not sure where the summer and fall went, but I realized today that I haven’t posted in two months! I thought things would slow down after we got through the move to our new house last spring, but we’ve been inundated with projects to oversee and decisions to make since then. We’re finally seeing […]

Road Trip Ramblings (Step-by-Step)

Road Trip Ramblings (Step-by-Step)

My mother turned 90 a few weeks ago, and we celebrated with a girls’ getaway to Smith Mountain Lake, in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. My sister, daughter, and niece all joined me and my mom for four days of birthday merriment.  My daughter, Sara, and mother, Saundra But we didn’t wait until we […]

Rocky Maine Beaches

Rocky Maine Beaches

The Schoodic Peninsula is the only part of Acadia National Park that’s on the mainland. It’s famous for rocky cliffs and crashing waves, but on the day we visited in June, the tide was on its way out and things were fairly calm.  It was still beautiful. I mean, how can you complain about a […]

New Workshop Tour in Belgium!

New Workshop Tour in Belgium!

Are you ready to travel again? I sure am! I’ve really missed all the fun and excitement of experiencing new places with my students, so I’ve been working behind the scenes to schedule painting workshops in some wonderful new places for 2023. Today, I’m happy to announce that I’ve just confirmed a painting tour with […]

Perry’s Lobster Shack

Perry’s Lobster Shack

A lobster shack is a humble, oftentimes rough-and-tumble establishment located close to the water which serves fresh-cooked lobster and often a variety of other seafood. Lobster shacks offer no-frills dining with a sea view and food that was pulled from the sea just hours before it lands on your plate. They’re an essential part of […]

To Know ME is to Love ME

To Know ME is to Love ME

To know ME is to love ME. (ME as in the state of MAINE, that is!)   The Schoodic Peninsula, Winterport, Maine Ah, Maine! That dreamy place where I cast aside all my cares, to-do lists, and obligations and just relax and absorb the wonder of it all. Merryspring Gardens, Camden, Maine We just returned from […]

Painting a Bird’s Nest

Painting a Bird’s Nest

My friend Teresa is hosting a garden party in a few weeks. Her gardens are filled with old-fashioned roses, lush perennials, and towering trees. Picket fences, birdhouses, and quirky garden sculptures act as accents, and a beautiful greenhouse built from recycled materials sits in the middle of it all.  This won’t be just any garden […]

Looking Back

Looking Back

My husband tossed a key on the kitchen counter and said, “I guess we don’t need this anymore.” It was a key for Summerhill, our hilltop home for the past twenty-two years. I picked it up, and a flood of memories washed over me. Sunrises and sunsets, summer evenings on the porch, birthday parties, Christmas […]

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