A Million and Counting!

I realized with a shock this morning that I’ve had over a million page views on my blog since I started it way back in June of 2010 with this blog post. So much has changed in my life since then!

One of the first sketches I posted on The Everyday Artist

Seven years ago I didn’t know why I was starting a blog. I just had a gut feeling that it was something I should do, that somewhere down the line I would understand the reason for putting myself out there and sharing my life with the world.

So I started tentatively, sharing lots of images from my custom sewing and design business….

quilts that I made…
my home…
and new grandchildren.
There were recipes…

and commissions…

and trips to far-flung places…

And I shared sketches. Lots and lots of sketches. Here’s one of the first…

and here’s one I finished just yesterday…

Along the way, I’ve learned that the only way to write a blog is to be myself. I’m a 63-year-old woman who tends to be a little sentimental at times. I’m not young and hip and trendy, and that’s okay. I’ve gradually become more comfortable in my own skin and more willing to share my struggles and my joys. 

In 2014 I closed my drapery business to focus on art fulltime. It was a huge decision, one that felt right but was also a little crazy. Within a few short weeks opportunities began to open up for me: an offer to illustrate a book, invitations to teach, commission requests, and so much more. 

I got to be friends with Joe Miller when I taught at Cheap Joe’s last spring – what a sweetie-pie he is!

Now I criss-cross the country meeting wonderful people and teaching them how to keep an illustrated journal of their lives. I travel the world seeing the places I’ve longed to see all my life, and I get to share the experience with people I’ve come to love as true friends.

I’m so glad I followed that impulse to start a blog. It has connected me with so many amazing people, given me a chance to share my gifts, and, in the process, helped me to find myself.

So, follow your heart! You’ll never know where it might lead if you don’t take that first step. And thank you for being a part of my journey and this blog. Your comments, encouragement, and friendship mean the world to me.

Love, Leslie


  • Congratulations! You're very talented and your enthusiasm is contagious!

  • Congrats, Leslie, on your wonderful, artful journey and thank you for sharing your joy and talent!

  • Congratulations, Leslie, from one art journal blogger to another… here's to the next million visitors 🙂

  • One of my ART professors said, "You make your own opportunities"…..you've done a bang-up job of it, Leslie! Good for you!!!

  • One of my ART professors in university said over and over to us, "You make your own opportunities." I do believe, Leslie, you've done just that!!! Brilliant!

  • Wow, that's quite a milestone, Leslie! Congratulations! It was nice to see a blog post from you pop up in my inbox this morning–and one with such great news in it. 🙂

  • My interest, courage and skill have grown through following you. So glad to have finally meet you this week at the workshop at your beautiful home base in SW PA. So grateful!


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I’m Leslie. A painter, teacher, and lover of all things creative. A sketchbook artist who captures everyday life on the pages of my illustrated journals. I love sharing, connecting, and encouraging people to find their creative voice through sketchbook journaling. Read more about me, my art, and my life HERE.

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