Sketches from Maine: Part 3 – Rain and Sunshine

I’m glad I took the time to keep a written record of our week. It’s so easy to forget about everything that happens on a vacation if you don’t write it down. I usually did my journaling in the evening before I went to bed, putting everything down on the page in pencil rather than ink, to allow myself the option of making changes to the writing or the page layout before it was finalized.

 (All pages were done in a 9″ x 6″ Stillman & Birn Alpha series sketchbook with ink & watercolor)
The lettering was done with a calligraphy nib filled with watercolor paint

Some of the text pages were finished while I was in Maine, but others, like the one above, were finished at home.

My bedroom at Primrose Cottage overlooked the ocean, and it was wonderful opening my eyes every morning and seeing this scene, with the ocean right outside my windows.

Tuesday was a rainy day, but it turned out to be one of our favorites. Snug and cozy in our cute little house, we painted the day away.

When the sun came out on Wednesday, we couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day, and what better place to enjoy it than on top of Mount Battie? That’s Candy, one of my students, in the picture, sketching the panoramic view of Penobscot Bay and the town of Camden.

Just before we left to head back down the mountain, I painted this quick cloud study. The sun and wind were drying the paint almost instantly, so it was challenging but still fun.

I still have a few more pages to finish in my travel journal – I’ll be sure to share them with you soon.


  • I love the views from Mt. Battle. I'll have to remember to go up there the next time I go up to visit my sister. Lovely entries!


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I’m Leslie. A painter, teacher, and lover of all things creative. A sketchbook artist who captures everyday life on the pages of my illustrated journals. I love sharing, connecting, and encouraging people to find their creative voice through sketchbook journaling. Read more about me, my art, and my life HERE.

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