I have an old swivel rocker in my workroom that I sit in when I have to do some hand sewing. I picked it up for a few dollars with the idea of slipcovering it. That was nine years ago! Can you believe I’ve been looking at that ugly old thing all this time? You know how it is – after awhile you just don’t notice it; it’s part of the scenery.

Well, I finally got around to doing something about it. I found some pretty matelasse fabric that I just loved and decided to use a coordinating plaid for the buttons and welt. Looks a little better, doesn’t it? I think it’s really cute! It looks so homey and comfy.

I’ve developed a technique that allows tufted furniture to be slipcovered without sacrificing the style of the tufted back. The slipcover snaps in place over the original buttons to keep the inner back from becoming loose and baggy. The slipcover mimics the style of the original upholstery perfectly.

Matelasse is great for slipcovers. I prewash it before fabricating, and it exhibits very little shrinkage. The slipcovers are washable and come out of the washer looking like new.
Here’s another cute matelasse slipcover – it’s one of my favorites …

This one also has the snap-on tufted back, but what makes it really pretty is the use of small ruffles in place of welt on the seam lines. I like the pleated skirt detail, too.

Beautiful Leslie!
Wonderful Leslie love the ruffle welt detailing with the matelasse
I know I am a little late to this party…but I am learning to make slipcovers & I am interested in the technique you used when you say "snapped" to the covered buttons. Can you explain what you mean by that ? I am really curious. Your workmanship is beautiful.
If you'll go to the online gallery for my workroom business at http://www.lesliefehlingdesigns.com and click on the "Tufted slipcover instructions" album (at the bottom of the page), you will find step-by-step directions for how I make tufted slipcovers, and it shows how to snap the cover onto the chair. You might also enjoy looking at the "Slipcovers" album for more creative slipcover ideas.
That site is no longer live. Could you post that content on this blog for those who are interested? Or is it already live on a different site?
I have closed that site since I am no longer in the sewing business. I'm sorry but the content is not available anywhere else.
Love your work. Thank you for sharing.
Would you be willing to sell a custom slipcover? I have an ugly old chair and i am not a skilled seamstress!
No, I've closed my custom sewing business. You might want to check http://www.slipcovernetwork.org for a listing of workrooms near you who do slipcovers.
I have had this pinned for years, and I'm finally ready to attempt it. Thank you so much for keeping your website open with the instructions!
Hello! I am interested in the instructions for a tufted slipcover. The site does not seem to be live anymore. Are the instructions listed anywhere else? If not, any chance you could email them to me or list them in these comments? Thanks!
I'm sorry but I have closed that website, since my sewing business has been closed for many years. The content is no longer available.
I have scoured the internet and cannot figure out what your are referencing when you say you “snapped” the slip cover buttons over the original buttons. I know your website with the tutorial is now closed but do you know where I can find any information for how this is done? A book, an online resource, I’ll take anything.
Your slipcovers are unique and personable. Love them!
Thanks for the before and after pics. Your slipcovers are unique and personable. Love them!
All I can say is WOW! They are both perfect! The swivel chair is exactly what I’ve been looking for. Sure wish I could sew! Both are just beautiful!
Do you take orders?
I no longer offer sewing services.